Part 2

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*with Hercules*

I- So, Hercules,what's it like to have your dead love alive again?

H-Oh, it is great! I have my new wife and iI'ma god and iI live on Olympus. Life is fantastic.

I- Wife? So you married Megara?

H- Well, of courseThats Why I went to the underworld. I need my wife.

I- Well, did you hearthat Hercules and megara are married. Thank you for that iinterview. On to Hades.

*with Hades*

I-What's it like losing one of your souls?

Ha- Its horrible. Do you know how hard it is to deal with these souls?

I- No, sir

Ha- Its hard! Dyou realize how many souls escape every decede?

I- No

Ha- Exactly. I didn't have my old friend Thanatos, i would lose it. But these people think theycan do whatever they want. Well here's some news, this is the underworld. IIt's were DEAD people go. The FATES chose these people for a reason. First it was was Dionysus, then it was Orpheus, though he failed he still tried to get her, and now its Hercules. Stop with your quests for your girlfriends.

I- O.K. Thank you for that .......Interesting interveiw. And now to Megara.

*with Megara*

I- so, Meg,can i call you that, okay. So what's it like to be alive again?

M- It's kind of weird. This is not a normal thing that happens. And the stuff thati i Saw down tthere it is not something that mortals should see.

I-Interesting. How do you feel about Hercules?

M- Oh, I absolutely love him.

I- Hercules told us you two were married. How do you feel about that?

M- HE TOLD YOU WHAT? That little - rrgh- iI am going to kill him with love and kindness.

I-Intresting. I'm guessing that it was supposed to stay a secret.

M- Of course it was. I'm sorry but I have to go talk to Hercules, bye.

I- Well, it looks like there is a need for some talking. That is it for today. I'm Kenzie Olson from Olympus News and Interviews. Good-night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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