Breathe (Pink Floyd):

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*Thump Thump, Thump Thump!*

The sound of your own increasing heartbeat pounded in your chest as you ran at full speed. You could not hear anything but the loud thumping.

You ran through the dark cobble stone streets, where only occasionally a light was, from a flicking lantern. You ran past a store that had a large window on the front of it, the shades were pulled down, and all you could see was the silhouette of two men, one continuously opening and closing a cash register over and over making a *csh-ding!* noise from inside the store. The second one was pounding on a steel plate with a hammer over and over whike talking to the other man as well.

Their voices seemed to get a bit louder even after you passed the store.

And a few buildings down was a bald headed black man in his tan jacket, smoking a cigarette. He threw the cigarette at the ground and put both hands in his tan jacket pockets before watching you run by him. Tortured by fear and horror of the unknown that was chasing you.

He watched and then began giggling. The giggling then turned into laughter, loud insane laughter that got louder and louder. He began pointing lazily and leaning back as he laughed.

All you could hear now was your heartbeat, the voices and the laughter. Soon your screaming was what drowned out every other noise when you were backed into a dead end wall. With your back against the wall, you looked left and right frantically for one last escape, but there was nothing. So you continued screaming loudly as you could, the unknown that was chasing you caught up, making you hold your arms out in front of you and shake without taking a breath from screaming.

Then suddenly everything froze. The reality around you began fading away and soon it was all black. Everything was black and you were floating.

You were floating, in an empty darkness with nothing around you, laying in on your back. You were moving but very slowly, and there was no air. You could not breathe or move your body.

You had to be in space...

Suddenly something from behind you hit your head gently, soon you felt two arms grab yours and pull you up to him. It was a man. (Syd Barrett)
He began to sing, as music played in your ears, his voice echoing when he sang.

"Breathe...Breathe in the air..." He began, holding your face and making you take in a deep breath of air that felt different. Everytime you inhaled, it was diffrent air, like helium that made you feel so much lighter.

"Don't be afriad to care..." He held both of your hands and floated along with you. He continued singing with closed eyes in your ear, as if he were giving off a vibe that sent peace through you.

"Leave but don't leave me,
Look around and choose your own ground..."

He opened his eyes and looked at you, turning you around to show you millions of stars. He held only one of your hands now, and reached out, grabbing a star. He held it in his hands and gave it to you, it shone brightly in your hands, like a small sun.

"For long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be..."

He sang before kissing your head sweetly and letting go of your hands. He began to float backwards, like he could not control what was happening. He was being dragged into the sun, he began kicking his feet and holding his arm out in a desperate attempt to get to you again.

You did the same, hearing him continue his beautiful singing

"Run, rabbit, run
Dig that hole, forget the sun,
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down, it's time to dig another one..."

You held the star close to you, but tried everything you could to get to him, thrashing your legs and watching him helplessly.

Soon he was almost there, and it looked like he was giving up, but he continued holding his arms out towards you. Singing his last words;
"For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race toward an early grave..."

And just as he was about to touch the sun, you felt a sudden heavy weight drop on you, and the air changed again. You opened your eyes, you were laying on the damp black cobble stone ground of the street you were on earlier. You breathed in the oxygen of earth, confused and dazed you sat up and looked around.

A single tear dripped from your eye realizing you had lost him. But when you sat up, you felt a round object in your jacket pocket, when pulling it out, you saw it was the star. The star that he had given to you...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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