1.The Client

88 6 9

Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings

Ugh. Monday. Why does it have to be Monday?


I'm pulled out of my sulking by the loud obnoxious ring tone of my phone. Unknown number......

"Hello?" I more mumble than speak.

"Hi, is this Pemberley Photography?" Asks a much too chipper voice at this ungodly hour of ten A.M.

"Oh, yes, um, this is Jane, I'm the photographer. What can I do for you?" I ask, sitting up in my bed. It's near impossible for me to act professional while lying down.

"I was actually needing to see if you are available next week? I know this is somewhat short notice but everywhere else I've called is booked solid." The woman sounds somewhat frantic.

"Lucky for you my schedule appears to be wide open," I say looking over the nearly blank calender hanging on the wall next to my bed. "What kind of a shoot are you looking to have done?"

"Well see that's just the thing, I'm needing someone to capture our family vacation next week. I know it's a lot to ask but I can compensate you very well for all the trouble." Her offer has me intrigued. Traveling is one of my many passions in life.

"Umm.... I have never done anything like that but I think I could handle it. Where is the trip?"

"Uhh, how about I meet with you to discuss it today? I'd rather not do it over the phone," ok this is all quite odd.

"Yeah sure, we can talk about it over coffee in say an hour?" I offer, glancing at the clock.

"Sounds great! Text the address to this number, it's my cell, and I will see you there Jane!" And with that, the mysterious woman hung up. I never even caught her name.

Ugh. That means I have to leave the warm sanctuary that is my bed. Pulling my covers back and throwing my legs over the side before I could think about it was not a good decision. The freezing cold of the hardwood floor against my bare toes makes me shriek and want to dive back under the sheets. But I can't.

Finally having convinced myself to get up, I take my shower as quick as I can without getting my hair wet. I barely dry myself off before throwing on my clothes. Luckily my hair isn't too horrible, it only needed a little bit of combing and spray to behave.

After throwing on the bare minimum of makeup, I grab my camera bag and head out the door to the coffee shop down the street.

I grab my usual latte and take Ann seat by the window to people watch. Pulling my camera out, I snap a few candids of people walking by: an elderly couple holding hands, new parents carrying their baby, a couple that looks very much in love sneaking glances at each other. This is what I love. Capturing memories, even when they don't realize they are making them.


I look out from behind my camera to see a sweet looking woman with long Brown hair smiling at me.

"The one and only," I try to joke.

"It's so nice to meet you, I'm Anne," she says, extending her hand out to shake mine as she sat down across from me.

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