4. The Jet

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How had this come so fast?

The last few days have been a bit of a haze what with getting ready and being overly excited for this trip. And now the day has come.

Glancing around my small studio apartment, I'm glad to see everything is as it should be. All of my camera gear and luggage are patiently waiting by the door for the driver to arrive. That's right, a driver is being sent for me. My first taste of living the high life.

Opening my back pack, I check one last time to make sure I have everything I will need for the flight, however long it may be. I have packed several trashy magazines, a few novels, my smaller camera, headphones for my phone, and candy. I never travel without gummy bears.

Just as I'm zipping the bag shut, a brisk knock raps against my door. That should be the driver.

"Hello miss, can I help you with your bags?" He kindly offers once its opened the door.

"Oh, please! There are way too many for me to carry by myself without taking a few trips," accepting his help with a smile.

Between us, we manage all of my bags just fine. I feel as though I've way over packed but honestly most of it is my camera gear.

Once everything is stowed safely in the car along with myself, we pull out into the early morning London traffic.


"Heathrow, next exit"

As I saw the sign, I started gathering my things from the seat next to me. I feel like a kid headed to Disney World, that's how jittery and excited I am.

My stomach does a small flip as we by pass the entrance for international departures.

"Um, where are we going?"

"Private tarmac, miss."


Our car passed through a security gate without issue and was now slowing next to a sleek small plane. Of course he has his own private jet.

Climbing out, I can practically feel my jaw dropping. This is too much. First a driver, now a private jet?

"Miss Austen? Come along. We have along schedule to keep," a man in a suit snaps at me before turning to board the plane.


I grab my backpack and head for the stairs to climb on board. The driver and flight crew have safely stowed my luggage where it belonged while I had been gawking at the luxury before me.

Bracing myself, I take the final step into the cabin.

Oh. My. God.

There he is, in all his glory.

I had to force my eyes away from Harry just to make sure I don't fall on my face. It could happen knowing me.

"Hello there miss, take a seat anywhere you like. We will be taking off shortly," said the bubbly flight attendant.

Scanning the cabin, I see Anne and a blonde sitting near Harry and then the man who had snapped at me immediately to his left.

I carefully move to sit in one of the back seats, not wanting to disturb anyone. I'm here for a job, not socializing.

The blonde next to Anne shot me a sweet smile as I buckled my seat belt. Mental note: blonde is nice, short haired brunet man is not.

"Be a dear Nigel and get Jane a drink," Anne said to the man next to Harry.

"Anne, we've been over this. That is not my job. My job is to be Harry's personal assistant."

"That doesn't mean you can't be a gentleman Nigel," Anne quipped back.

"It's fine, I don't need anything," I spoke up for the first time, not wanting to upset Nigel anymore than he is already.

"Nonsense,  Nigel at least get her a bottle of water," Anne's tone sweet as can be.

"Fine," he grumbled, heading towards the front of the cabin to the small kitchen. Moments later he brings me the ice cold bottle of water, the look on his face showing his disdain.

"Thanks," I say softly as I take the bottle, just wanting to sink into the leather of my seat and disappear.

This is going to be a fun flight.

Nigel is Ed Westwick, I'll update the cast list soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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