3. The Preparation

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Three days.

I had three days till I am whisked away to a private tropical island on a celebrity's holiday. What is life?

There really wasn't much to do isn't the way of preparing, though. I already had my passport since technically I'm a US citizen. I moved to London first chance I got after dropping out of college to purse photography and have been here for the last two years. London has become my home.

I didn't even bother phoning my mom back isnt the states to tell her about my mysterious new job for next week. I don't want to risk breaking the NDA without meaning to. She's probably too busy with her new boyfriend to even care what I'm up to lately.

So instead of calling her, here I am, snuggled up under a blanket in my flat, making a list of what still needs to be purchased or packed for the trip.

True to her word, Anne had given me a check for ten thousand pounds before I had even exited her car. Being the somewhat responsible adult I am, I took it straight to the bank. My landlady was also quite pleased to have received the next six months rent in advance. This money was a godsend.

I'm usually broke, what with my lack of photography business lately. With this advance, I can look into advertising to drum up some more work. Too bad I won't be able to use the Styles name and pictures, those would have surely caught attention.

Getting up, I walk over to my open suitcase, making sure everything was as it should be. I had packed all of my shorts and tank tops, a few pairs of jeans, one or two dresses, and the new bikinis I had gone out and bought yesterday.

Yes I over packed.

Did I care?

Not one bit.

Next to my suitcase was my camera bag. I had everything I could possible need stashed in there. I had even managed to find something to use so I could take my camera underwater. Might come in handy.

All in all I'd say I am prepared for whatever may come on this trip. And I'm beyond excited.

Grabbing my laptop off my bed, I open it up and pull up twitter. I had barely begun typing his name before tons of things popped up about him. Who the hell is Larry? Is he his cousin or something?

I click on an account that boasts having the best pictures of him. Scrolling through them gets me even more excited for the simple fact that he is photogenic. No denying that.

It didn't matter what he was doing when his picture was taken, he looked graceful, composed, and downright panty-dropping gorgeous. While that will make my job easy, it won't make being around him easy.

I've only ever met minor celebrities before like newscasters or athletes, never an international popstar. Even when meeting the few celebs I have, I always freeze up and get tongue tied. I have a tendency to be starstruck.

I don't know if it's possible to be extremely excited for something and dread it at the same time but that's how it feel right now....

And I still have three whole days to let these feelings intensify before we leave. Yay. Kill me now.

Hi! Small authors note, anywho I hope you guys are enjoying this so far! The idea for this came to me in a dream as cliche as that sounds, lol. I have big plans for this story and I hope you guys will stay for the ride!

Please please please comment and vote! If you do, I'll update a lot faster. I like knowing if you guys are reading and liking it rather than ghost reading and it motivates me to keep going.

So don't forget to comment and vote please!

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