the bar fight

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the band was playing the saxophonists nods his head up and down to the song , star wars rap way overplayed but still enjoyed by everyone in the bar so where is this Cheie asks Jeami. No no Cheie i'snt a species its her name the species is Bith. you mean the guys playing the stupid club music she says. I like that song Lenan mumbles under his breath two starbeers says Lenan. getting me drunk doesn't work you know says Jeami no i'm actually just trying to be nice says Lanen there she is lets go. so Cheie anything new i ask opening up th conversation, who is she asks cheie before anything else is said. ooh jealous are we just a friend now any info, yes something about sandpeople on tattoine but i didn't hear much the jawa are there they travel and will talk if you have something to trade. At that moment a man comes in with four others trailing behind him damn says Lanen I thought I lost him well lets do this again he spins around raising his fist while doing so hitting the man in front with all the momentum of his spin the man lands on the bar table then all hell breaks out Jeami is about to take out her lightsaber but Cheie stops her in time that will only make it worse use your fists or just stay behind Lenan she says i know how to fight she says she clips her lightsaber in and dodges a punch as Cheie breaks a chair across a mans teeth SE-76 prepare the   X-wing he says as he punches another man and throws his unconscious body on another attacker jeami grabs a bottle and breaks it across the first mans head lets get out of here says Lenan they struggle out leaving the bar still in chaos as the three men that were still conscious from the group that came in pulled out a blaster as Jeami pulls out her lightsaber and clicks it on the blue energy looks like water from the ocean she deflects the two blasts that were shot both went straight up i clipped off my bow caster and kept it aimed at the middle man with Jeami beside me her lightsaber held diagonally across her body. Now Lenan says your gonna go in there and buy some shots of galaxia and then go home were gonna leave now if you follow us next time you wont live thank you very much he spits

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