Okay, one of the most irritating thing on wattpad is people's usernames.
Yeah, yeah everyone gets to choose their own username but everyone has an opinion, too so.
For me, there are two kinds of usernames that annoy the shit out of me.
1. The overly hyper one.
2. The confusing-as-shit classy one.
Don't know what am talking about?
Keep reading.
I see millions of usernames like these everyday and they always leave me - confucked and with a very big headache.
Yeah, these ones.
. . .why?
Just why?
How can you live with yourself knowing you've recited the whole alphabet as a username?
It's not cool.
Moving on to the confusing-as-shit classy usernames.
When I see usernames like these, I just sigh at the world.
I mean, this is basically what they would look like.
Oh, and don't forget the low caps.
It's a necessity.
Like, honestly?
*slowly claps*
Congratulations, you've managed to find out how to google a list of big words you can't even pronounce.
And I'm 100% percent positive this is what people with usernames like that face when they're writing it out:
wattpad: insert new username here
classy person: prea- wait, how do you spell it again?
*checks on google tab she/he has opened*
classy person: preante- what's after that?
*checks again*
classy person: preantepenultimate
classy person: there we go. let me check the defintion, too.
that big ass word means "fourth from last". a meaningless defintion.
just like most usernames people use have.
and 99.9% percent of the time, those people's about me will be so pretty and centered and shit. not that I can judge, mine's centered too.
but at least my username is decent (;
anyways, that was the rant of today.
vote + commen y'all!
- jain.
I ranted here
Randomfor when sharing what I have to say is inevitable // cover by aciddaisies //