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Pairing: Max and Ronnie
Band: Falling in Reverse



I walked onto the bus to find my boyfriend sitting on the couch with a beer.

"Hey sweetie," I said. "You alone in here?"

"Not anymore."

"Sassy today, huh?"

"Jacky's here. He's asleep. Go to bed or something. Don't stay here."

"What's up with you today?"

"Nothing, go away."

I sighed. "Are you drunk?"

"No, I'm just pissed. And...drinking. But I'm not drunk, this is my first beer."

"Why are you pissed?"

"Ronnie, leave me alone."

"No." I knew I'd just piss him off more, but that didn't bug me. He was cute when he was pissed. He'd try to threaten you by saying "I'll tell Derek!" and his chubby cheeks would get all red. It wasn't scary, just adorable.

I sat down next to Max and he made a face at me.

"What's wrong?" I pried, rubbing Max's back.

"I want to be left alone." He didn't seem angry anymore. His voice was cracking as though he was about to cry. He wouldn't look at me either.

"How come?" Max and I have been together since high school, I know how to deal with him and get him to talk.

"Because." Quickly, his voice was becoming higher pitched and harder to hear. He was probably in that mood where you're going to cry if you say another word, and I bet that was why he was looking away from me.

"It's okay, Maxie. You can cry if you need to. What's going on?" Max let a tear slip, but he was still trying to keep his guard up. "Max, you can talk to me. I love you, baby. You can talk to me. Why're you so upset? You've been off all day." Max stopped trying. He sobbed quietly, put his beer on the table, and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back, rubbing circles into his back and kissing his forehead gently.

"Ronnie," Max cried. He took in a shaky breath. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," I whispered. "Now, you want to tell me why you're so upset?"

"Because. TJ's been texting me, you know that. Lying to me to mess with me because he thinks it's funny. He told me he saw you kissing Craig and I thought it was true but I talked to Craig and he seemed to genuinely have no idea what I was talking about and I- I just..."

"Take a deep breath," I whispered. "It's alright. Just breathe." After he'd recollected himself, although still crying, Max continued to explain.

"TJ won't stop and he still thinks it's a joke but he's been taking it too far and I don't know what to say to him."

"I'll talk to him. I can assure you, however, that Craig and I have never kissed. Well...I mean, there was that one time, but we were both drunk and it was a dare and we were like 17. But that was the only time." My little anecdote made my crying boyfriend laugh a little.

"You shouldn't have been drunk at 17."

"When was the first time you got drunk?"

"I was...shut up." I chuckled and Max sat back up. "I don't know though, about TJ. Craig said he'd talk to him. He just- he acts like a 6th grader! He thinks it's funny to lie to me and spread rumors and shit. He needs to be more of an adult."

"I agree. I'm sure Craig will calm him down. He's the youngest of all of us, you know. He's only 20. He'll stop. But for now...are you feelin' better?"


"Well...everyone else went out for drinks. So do you maybe wanna...head back to our bunk and..."

"Watch Netflix and cuddle? Absolutely."

"Oh, I was actually-"

"You can pick what we watch. As long as I get to fall asleep on your chest." I rolled my eyes. Max knew what I wanted, but if he wasn't up for that I guess Netflix and cuddles worked too.

"Yeah, you can sleep on me," I agreed. Max sprung up and ran to our bunk. I walked behind him, giggling to myself quietly. He could be energetic when we were acting all coupley.

Max still wasn't used to the top bunk, so I had to basically lift him into it. I'd always had this bunk, so I easily climbed up and joined him. Max nestled into my side and grabbed a hair elastic from inside my pillowcase.

"Ooh, hit me up," I said. Max handed me an elastic too and both of us tied our hair back for Ultimate Cuddling™.

"You wanna watch house of cards?" I asked Max.

"Whatever," he yawned. He was casually tracing the tattoos on my bare chest. I could tell he was sleepy. I kissed his forehead and put my laptop away. No Netflix tonight. I pulled Max close and he cuddled against my chest. He was quickly fading into sleep.

"Goodnight, my prince," I said softly.

"Night," Max mumbled. "I love you."

"I love you too, Maxiebear."

"We're back! And Derek's hammered, so brace yourselves!" Ryan shouted.

"Make them shut up, Ronnie," Max whined.

"Be quiet!" I called. "It's bedtime for some of us."

"It's 11:30!"

"Exactly! Jacky's sleepin' already, he has been since we got off stage!"

"Not anymore," Jacky groaned from his bottom bunk.

"See! Shut up and let us sleep."

Derek ran into the bunk hallway and pulled aside Max and my curtain.

"Hi," he panted. He was like a big puppy when he was drunk.

"Go to bed," I said sternly. I articulated every word and Derek obeyed me. Somehow, even with the other guys being loud, Max had managed to fall asleep on me. He was so precious.

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