1 - Running into Bart Baker.. Literally

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Running into Bart Baker.. Literally.

In February of 2015 I went to this even called playlist live. It's basically a YouTube convention where you actually have a chance to meet your favorite youtubers.

The event was from Friday to Sunday but I skipped school, since it takes 6 hours to get to Orlando from where I live, and we went Thursday. I got there at about 6ish maybe..? Around 6 or 7 pm.

Immediately when we went to check out I already saw some youtubers I knew. I didn't stop them for a picture though because they were walking fast. (It was NikiNSammy). I gasped really loudly and Sammy turned around. I wasn't even embarrassed because a youtuber noticed me.

So we got up to our room and everything (me and my parents) then we unpacked and I decided to go explore the hotel. It was huge. I'll have to do a couple more memories about this trip but being there was one of the best times.

So I went down the elevator and started walking around and stuff. Okay so then I went down the escalator.

No big deal, right? Nope.

I tripped on the last step trying to get off of it and full on fell on the person in front of me. He asked me if I was okay and I was like "Yeah, i'm good." Then I looked up and of course it was somebody who I freaking love. It was Bart Baker. Of course I would fall on Bart Baker.

When he saw that I knew who he was he went "Hi!" I about fangirled but I had to retain myself.

Our conversation was literally this:
Bart: Hi!
Me: You're Bart Baker..
Bart: I am. *laughs*
Me: May I have a picture with you?
Bart: Yeah! Of course.
Me: Thanks! *asks innocent bystander to take picture*
Me: *after taking picture* Sorry for falling on you..
Bart: It's fine! I'm just happy you're okay.
Me: Aw, thank you. Well I'll let you go so you won't get mobbed. It was nice meeting you!
Bart: Nice meeting you too! Have a good night!
Me: You too. *walks away*

He was actually the sweetest thing. I remember that conversation so well because it was the weirdest thing to happen to me that trip.. Falling on Bart Baker.. Can't say i've done that to any other youtuber.

After that I met him 2 more times. He was just all over the hotel.

The pictures are up in the media bar. I literally don't even look the same. I'm not sure what it is.. Now my hair is black and a lot shorter. Just know that those pictures were took when I was 12 sooooo.

So yeah, that's how I met Bart Baker.

If you don't know who he is then he is a youtuber who makes parody videos. He's really funny. You should check him out.

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