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There is a secret species that makes up 0.001 of the Earth's human population. That species is the Werecat. There are many different types of werecats ranging from your average housecat to the mighty lion. Naturally they live in our everyday society and they look exactly like an average human; that is until they get excited, scared, or go through an emotional trauma. Unbeknownst to most of the world they live their lives normally. Only males are born werecats. No one knows the reason or why it comes out that way. There has only been one record of a female Werecat having been born hundreds of years ago but there's not much knowledge about her. You're probable wondering how werecats are born if there are only males to pass down the line.

When werecats mate with a human that child becomes a half breed unable to take Werecat form but is able to pass the gene onto another. If a half breed and a Werecat mate, then their male children become werecats. For hundreds of years the werecats have lived in peace that was until the unexpected happened and a miracle was born. A female Werecat, and a black panther at that.

"Mommy!" I call out as I run down the hallway happily as my brother's chased after me.

"We're gonna get you (Name)!!" Kei, my older brother who's ten years old, calls as his golden eyes track my every moment; His round black ears peeking out from the confines of his long raven hair. My other brothers, Marcus, who's eight, and Raven who's seven; follow his lead making me scream out in excitement.

"Boys leave your sister alone!" My father roars from his study making the boys stop dead in their tracks. "Come here pumpkin, daddy will save you from those pesky felines!" He coos as he picks me up and tosses me into the air making me giggle out happily.

"Your complex is showing Apollo." I hear my mother say nonchalantly as she runs her hands through Kei's hair lovingly.

"Can you blame me? Look at this adorable kitten who's gonna grow up and marry her daddy." He replies nuzzling my face with his own.

"Ew dad!" Kei says making my mother laugh and my father growl at his oldest child.

"Don't worry daddy, I'm never getting married."

"What? Why not?!" My mother exclaims with worried eyes.

"Because no one's gonna match up to daddy or Kei." My father coos and my older brothers' face flushes red causing my mother to laugh.

All the sudden my father tenses and he quickly hands me off to my mother as he says, "Maria, get the kids out of here now."

"What is it?" She asks him as she grips tightly to me.

"It's them, run! I'll hold them off!" He yells as he quickly shifts into his panther form ripping his clothes to shreds as he heads out into the night.

"Mom, what's going on?" Kei asks as the younger boys grip tightly to my mother's skirts lengths.

"Kei we have to get (Name) and boys out of here okay? I can't turn into a panther like the rest of you, so I'm gonna need you to take them and hide in the hills okay?"

"But mom?"

"Please do this!" She cries and then suddenly a loud gunshot is heard and her face goes pale. "Apollo..." she gasps shoving me into my brothers' arms as she pushes us down into a secret hatch. After making sure that all of us are safe she gives us one last smile before she closes the hatch. Kei grips tightly to me his eyes filling with tears. He gulps down a breath of air before he says, "Marcus, Raven, (Name), I need you guys to change and follow after me."

"But what about mommy?" I ask tears feeling my eyes.

"We'll see her later." He replies and my brother quickly follow his command changing into their panther forms before me leaving only Kei and myself as humans. "Come on (Name), we have to do this for mom and dad."

"Yes Kei," I say shaking my body making my soft midnight fur cover my body. As I sit in my panther cub form I look up at my brother who is now in his own and as he runs toward the woods the rest of us follow close behind him. As we reach the tree line I see a hint of black and I stop frozen in my footsteps. "Da... daddy..." I weakly cry as I see his panther form lying on the ground his breathing ragged my mother's unconscious body not too far from him her bloody hand reaching out for him. Before I have a chance to think I am plunged into darkness.

I wake with a start my claws wrapped around the neck of the other experiment I was roomed with. My chest heaved from the sudden fright but nothing could save me from the fear my cellmate had in her eyes. "Wha-what are you?" She cries as she tries to get free from my grasp only resulting in the tearing of her own flesh. As the scent of blood fills the room I instantly release her and throw myself back against the cold bars.

"I-I'm sorry," I say barely above a whisper making the memory of my parent's fill my mind causing tears to fall from my eyes. I bring my hand up to wipe my tears away only to see the blood and let out loud wail of pain.

"QUIET OVER THERE!!!!" One of the guards yells but I ignore him making my wails louder and louder until I completely turn into a panther. I hear my cell mate scream even louder and I look to see her staring at me a look of pure fear filling her worn out face. I had been in this cell for almost twenty years now and this was always the end result. I have had many cell mates but none of them ever lasted more than a month.

"Dammit she did it again, is she gonna eat this one too?" One of the other guards says as he opens my cell to retrieve the hysterical girl.

"I've never eaten anyone!" I roar out even though they can't understand me. He chuckles as he grabs my cellmate by her hair and drags her from the cell. My heart clenches and I quickly make my way to the farthest corner where I curl up into a ball and cry my eyes out.

A few hours later my cell door opens and a man I've grown to know as my 'master' enters and says, "Good morning Kitten, it's time for you to follow me." I quickly turn back into a human and yell out, "No! No more tests!"

"Oh we're done with the tests, this time you're coming with me."


"Well because you're my pet, and I want you stay by my side." He reaches into his suit pocket and pulling out a collar says, "This will keep you from changing on me, although it won't keep you from half changing."

"I will not wear that." I growl out as I shy away from him.

"I am afraid you don't have a choice." He says motioning for his men for rush me and hold me down as they snapped the collar around my neck. I quickly shove them off and reaching up try to remove the collar only to be zapped with electricity like a Taser. I cry out in pain as I fall to my knees panting. "See what I mean, it's best you just do what I say. Now come along Kitten." He says and grit my teeth and narrow my eyes at him as he walks out of the cell. "Give her the blanket. I don't want anyone else to see her body." He orders the guard as he steps through the doorway.

"Yes sir," The man says as he tosses the blanked over my shoulders careful not to get to close to me. I grip tightly to the blanket as it covers my body. I force myself to my feet and begrudgingly follow after him. I didn't want too but I also didn't want to be in this god forsaken cell anymore.

"Good girl," The older man in the suit says as he turns and starts to lead me from the holding cells.

"What do I call you?" I ask him my eyes planted firmly on the ground by his feet.

"My name is Alexander Pierce, but you will call me Master." He replies without looking back at me. I clench my jaw my body radiating anger but I quickly stow my pride when I think about being tossed back into the cell. "Yes, master."

Not A Pet - Bucky Barnes X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now