Part 3 ~ Panther Lily

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Walking toward Pierce's house I think back to the piece of paper Maria had handed me. I had glanced at it discretely in the back seat of the SUV. 'I owe you one.' Was all it said and I smile softly as I knew exactly who it was from. Opening the front door I am suddenly slammed in the face by the stench of blood and death. My heart drops as I see Pierce's housemaid Renata lying lifeless on the floor in a pool of her own blood. My throat tightens as I force myself to move from her and into the house where I see my friend sitting at the table with Pierce.

"Why?" I ask as Pierce turns towards me. "Why did you have to kill her?"

"How do you know it wasn't our asset here?" He asks as he slowly turns toward my friend.

"I can smell the gunshot residue on your hands."

"Gotta love that Werecat sense of smell of yours."

"Why did you kill her?" I ask a little louder than before. I knew I was pushing it with my questions but for some reason I couldn't help myself.

"She walked in on something she shouldn't have." Is all he says and my heart clenches. Renata had a family that would never know what happened to her. I glance at my friend and I see the recognition of my grief flash through his eyes. I could tell he wanted to hold me and tell me everything would be okay but we both knew he couldn't. Instead he just clenches his jaw and looks away from me. "Kitten, could you come here." Pierce says and I narrow my eyes in anger but do as I am told.

When I reach the table he turns toward me and says, "You're going on a mission."

"What? Why?" I ask my eyes widening in panic. He usually never let me out of his site, always claiming I was his pet, so what had happened that needed my attention.

"You're going to help The Asset locate his targets."

"Again I ask why? He doesn't need me out there slowing him down."

"We need your senses. Your kind can smell a scent up to ten miles away. You can hear something even farther. I need those abilities. You're going to attribute them to the Asset." I grit my teeth as I glare at the old man. "No arguing, go change into that outfit the techs made for you." He says as he looks away from me and back to my friend. I glance over at my friend before angrily stalking from the kitchen toward my room. Walking inside I slam the door behind me. I quickly pull the trunk out containing my black stealth suit. Staring at it, I remember the last time I had worn it.

It had been a few years. The last time was when I had gone undercover to locate a hidden person of Interest. They had told me he would try to resist but I didn't think he would actually try to kill me. My throat closes up as I remember how the events of that day had turned out. In the heat of the moment my animalistic side had taken over and in the end, I had ripped the POI to shreds. My claws still remembered the feeling of flesh tearing underneath them. I shake my head clear of the memory as I slip into the Kevlar suit.

As I open the door and walk back to the table I saw something flash through my friend's eyes as his scent suddenly got stronger. "Now that you're ready, go complete your mission."


His scent had only gotten stronger as it permeated the small backseat of the Hummer. It was intoxicating. I remembered the last time someone's scent had gotten that strong and my stomach churns.

No, I'm not gonna think of it.

I glance over to see him staring at the back of the driver's seat headrest. His jaw was clenched tightly as he refused to look at me. Looking away from him I glance at the view outside my window. I had been informed once we left Pierce's that we were in fact hunting Captain America and Black widow, or Natasha as I knew her. The two of us weren't close, but there was an unspoken bond between us. Since we were both taken at a young age and forced to become something dangerous. I didn't want to fight them. Not after meeting them and learning things from them. They were my friends, but now that didn't matter. I was a pet to be used however Pierce liked.

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