Part 1 ~ Kitten

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It's been three months since then and I am now a glorified housecat. Well sort of. Well I guess you could call me a housecat/bodyguard since Pierce makes me follow him everywhere. After he pulled me from my cell he made his 'people' clean me up with a bath, new clothes, and even a haircut. Whereas it used to drag on the ground behind me as a tangled mess; it was now cascading down to the middle of my back like waves of raven silk. I was always to dress in suits when he left for work and when we were at his home, were I also live unfortunately, I was supposed to wear these skimpy outfits but I quickly tore them to shreds the first night.

Today we were at his office at the SHIELD headquarters where he was in the middle of a meeting so naturally I was in the hallway fidgeting from boredom. I didn't like my job; but thanks to the collar around my neck I couldn't refuse. To the naked eye it looked like just any regular choker but if you got close you could tell there was more to it. I reach up and unconsciously start to scratch at it sending a slight jolt of electricity through my body making me shiver all over.

"Jesus I need to quit forgetting that." I say as I reach up and scratch my head. I hear the elevator door open and I turn to see Pierce's favorite goon Rumlow walk out of it and I feel a growl emanate from within me.

"Easy there Kitty," He says with a confident smirk on his lips.

"Don't call me that." I reply furrowing my brow.

"Don't be like that; I have a surprise for you." He replies as he closes the distance between us. I take a step back as I narrow my eyes at him.

"I don't want it." I reply as I hold my head high.

"Shame," He retorts stopping just inches from me. His hand reaches up and gently tilts my chin up as a scent that I've become far too aware of over the years flows from him. It was desire. I grit my teeth as my anger rises in my chest. "You would have liked him."

Huh? Him?

"Oh well, too late to change your mind now." He pats my cheek and I growl as I shove him away from me earning me a slight shock from my collar. I wince in pain but I keep my eyes focused angrily on him.

"Do not ever touch me." I state feeling that familiar animal instinct fills my body.

"Your ears are showing." He says and I freeze. My hand instantly shoots up and instead of the smooth flesh of my human ears I fill soft fur. Remembering Pierce's warning to never let anyone see me in my half form fills my mind and I shudder. As soon as they appeared they disappeared again. "You know, the research they did when they first brought you in said that your tail was super sensitive. I have to admit, I'd love to test that out."

"No, leave me alone." I cry panic filling my body causing my body to shake uncontrollably. I reach up and wrap my arms around myself in an attempt to calm myself.

Then before he had a chance to say anything else the elevator doors open and the room fills with a sweet smell of shampoo mixed with a flowery scent. This smells was all to familiar considering how many times he had been to Pierce's office. Hope fills my chest as I look up into the handsome face of Captain America. Composing myself I move away from Rumlow and walk over to him. "Good Morning, Captain Rogers." I say as a soft smile, that I never had to force, covers my lips.

"Good Morning Kitten, was I interrupting something?" He asks his Sea blue eyes flitting back and forth between me and Rumlow.

"No, he's just waiting for Mr. Pierce's meeting to end. What brings you by?"

"Pierce said he wanted to meet with me about the op the Strike Team just did."

"Ah, then please have a seat and he'll be with you in a moment." I reply motioning him over to sit near my desk. I glare at Rumlow as I use my eyes to tell him to vamoose. He smirks as he shakes his head and says, "Tell him I'll be in the basement when he's done will ya Kitty?"

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