► Surprise

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Scarlett Rose rushed through the wooden door, glad today was her last day of school. It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon and the sun was blazing outside in Dallas, Texas. She threw her long blonde over her shoulder and plopped down onto her black leather couch, sighing with relief.

"Scarlett? Is that you?" Ms. Sinclair, Scarlett's mother, called out.

"Yeah mom, it's me!" Scarlett yelled, too lazy to walk into the next room.

"Come here, I have something to show you," her mother announced.

"Fine," Scarlett groaned, dragging herself to walk to the kitchen.

Scarlett turned the corner and looked up. Her jaw dropped as she saw a familiar face standing next to her mother. "Ummmm..." she said nervously, "he's----"

"John Cena," her mom chuckled, "I know," she said as she put her around her daughter's shoulder.

Scarlett was still in shock, but now that awe had turned into excitement as her stomach got butterflies. "Hi," John greeted her as he took her hand and firmly shook it.

"How do you know my mom?" Scarlett questioned, still confused.

"I think that's for her to explain," John laughed, revealing his perfect white teeth as he smiled, staring at Ms. Sinclair.

"John and I went to college together, and became close----best friends. We always spent time together, and one night when we were 19, there was this party, and things...." Ms. Sinclair paused, "got a little out of control, and you've always wondered who your father was, and well, here he is," she pointed to John Cena. John gave an awkward smile, not sure if Scarlett would be happy about this sudden news.

Scarlett was again, shocked. "Woah, woah, woah, let me get this straight....You two," Scarlett motioned her hands together, symbolizing what her mother had done, "did it?" Scarlett asked rhetorically, knowing the answer as her mother nodded. Scarlett was awestruck but finally happy knowing who her father was, but still had a looming question. "Why did you choose now to tell me this?" she asked.

"Well since next year is your senior year, and you're going to be 17 soon, I thought you should know the truth," her mother stopped, "and because I was wondering if you wanted to spend the summer on the road with John."

Scarlett looked straight at John, who offered a pleasant and inviting smile. "You'd get to go backstage and meet everyone and experience the life of a WWE Superstar. Your mother tells me you're a big fan," John explained.

"Yeah, I've been watching since I was 7, and yes, of course I'd love to go with you," Scarlett assured Cena. A million thoughts swirled in Scarlett's mind: feelings of happiness, surprise, and joy.

John smiled, relieved to hear her answer, "Well then, you can pack your stuff and leave tonight for the live event tomorrow," Ms. Sinclair told Scarlett.

Scarlett nodded. She headed upstairs and smiled at all the news she was taking in. John Cena, one of her favorite superstars was her father, and she couldn't believe it. She finally had a father who she could spend time with, watch sports with, and stand up for her, but John Cena wasn't the typical father. How was the summer going to be? Scarlett had no idea, but one thing was for sure: this, would be a summer of secrets revealed and a wild adventure.


Omg this chapter was so short when I wrote it, I didn't even realize that! Just edited it a little so it's a little better if this is your first time reading it. I was so new to wattpad when I wrote this, so the grammar was a mess, I apologize.


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