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Scarlett smiled when Randy entered the room. He immediately rushed over to her side and held her hand. He had been paranoid and scared something worse had happened to her. He sighed with relief as he realized she would be alright. "I'm so glad you're alright," he smiled slyly.

"Me too," Scarlett agreed softly.

Randy rubbed her knuckle lightly and looked into her eyes. "I don't know what I'd do if you weren't okay" he admitted.

Scarlett took in a deep breath, still reeling from her dream. "I don't really remember what happened, but me too, I guess." The memory was still fuzzy.

"Roman speared you harder than he should've, and he's gonna pay," Randy grunted.

"Randy, no. I don't want things to end up like this, don't hurt him. It shouldn't be like this, but revenge is not the answer," Scarlett hesitated. She was all too familiar with the idea of revenge.

Randy sighed. "Okay, but Roman's lucky he didn't kill you, I would have killed him if he did."

Then it clicked.

"Wait, repeat that," Scarlett had a strange sense of de ja vu and she did a double take.

"I said if Roman was lucky he didn't kill you or else I would've killed him," Randy repeated.

Those words seemed vaguely familiar to Scarlett, and then she flashed back:

"Geez Roman! You nearly took her head off!" Scarlett remembered Seth freaking out and Roman laughing.

"Miz's just lucky I didn't kill her," Roman smirked.

Did Roman say Miz?

Randy noticed Scarlett zoning out so he cleared his throat to bring her back to reality. "Anyways, tomorrow I'll make it up to you. We can watch a movie together or something," he suggested.

Scarlett nodded, not really listening to what he said. She was too focused on her thoughts. Scarlett had just realized The Shield were now Miz's hitman, but since when? And why? It didn't make sense. Just when Scarlett thought she was rid of Jericho, the Miz ruins it and targets her. Dumb fuckers. Why couldn't they just leave her alone?

"You okay?" Randy asked, concerned.

"Yeah, yeah," Scarlett stuttered.

Randy raised his eyebrow. "You're lying."

"Really I'm fine Randy," she reassured him.

"Okay.." Randy hesitated. "But if you need anything let me know please," he offered.

Scarlett smiled. "Thanks."

But Scarlett couldn't get the thought out of her head. It was overwhelming her. "Where's Phil?"

"Outside where I was before," Randy answered, confused.

"I need to talk to him."

"But you just talked to him," Randy pointed out. He didn't want to leave Scarlett's side.

Scarlett groaned. "Just please go get him, it's important," she pleaded.

Randy rolled his eyes. "Okay," he kissed Scarlett. "But I'm coming back later," he said before leaving.

Scarlett was alone for a few moments to ponder her realization. Nothing made sense anymore, but she was more scared by the fact that she now had at least five people against her. She would need all the help she could get without revealing her secret. And that help would come in the form of Phil Brooks. He truly was her only hope. It was Phil and Scarlett versus the world. The clique was prepared for the fight of their lives She wasn't going down without a battle. She was going to get revenge on those bastards.


I'm so embarrassed by this chapter OMG it's so bad, I had a song stuck in my head when I wrote it, so I apologize, the next chapter is much better, so read on!


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