► The Car Ride

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It was Friday night and Scarlett had finished packing and slowly made her way down the stairs, over hearing her mother and John talking. She stopped midway and eavesdropped on her two parents.

"Do you think she'll be mad at me for waiting this long to come into her life?" John asked, genuinely concerned.

"I don't know John, but just take things slow. This is new for all of us."

Ms. Sinclair started, "I'm sure she'll eventually feel comfortable with you," she assured him.

"I hope so," John simply stated, expressing a face of guilt, clearly unsure if Scarlett would accept him as her father after this long of being away.

Scarlett walked down the rest of the stairs and into the kitchen after seeing John's worried face, she knew he cared. "I'm ready to go," she declared, smiling. Scarlett hugged her mother goodbye before finally saying, "I'll miss you."

"Text or call me anytime," her mother said, "I'll miss you too," she wiped away a tear as she squeezed her daughter into a right hug one last time. "Have fun, bye." Ms. Sinclair said hesitantly and she waved goodbye as Scarlett and Cena closed the doors to his silver Porsche.

Scarlett took one last look at her mother and knew this would be the last time in a long time she would see her. Scarlett frowned, but then remembered this was going to be an unforgettable summer.

She turned back around and strapped in her seat belt and sat in silence until John finally broke it. "I'm sure this is all weird and new to you right?"

"Yeah," Scarlett muttered, uncomfortably.

John sighed as he reached into his pocket, "I got this for you," revealing a sleek. black iPhone, "it's got mine, your mothers, and all the superstars and divas phone numbers in it. I already told your mother your new number, if that's okay with you, unless you don't want it," John smiled shyly, waiting for a response.

Scarlett knew he was really trying his best to be kind and sweet, and she appreciated the effort. "Yeah, it's awesome," she smiled as John smirked while focusing on the road. "Thanks----" Scarlett started, unsure of what name to call him by as "Dad" still seemed unusual, and "John" wouldn't be appropriate.

John chuckled, realizing why she stopped. "Just call me John for now," he told her as he slid his right hand off the wheel while they stopped at a red light. He locked his fingers in hers, holding her hand. Scarlett felt tingles crawl up her spine when the firm grip held onto her. John squeezed her small yet soft hand, and stared into her icy blue eyes. "I know I haven't always been the best dad the past sixteen years, but I want to make it up to you somehow," he paused, "you're a beautiful girl and I hope you know I'm always here for you," he assured her.

Scarlett knew from the look in his eyes that he meant it. "That means a lot John," she told him as she smiled and he released his grip when the light changed to green.

Scarlett then flipped through the radio stations and heard a song she knew all too well, as it was her all time favorite song. She sang the lyrics, bringing back memories of her past.

 Baby I will wait for you,  

cuz I don't know what else I can do. 

Don't tell me I ran out of time, 

If it takes the rest of my life,  

I'll wait for you

 "I see you like this song," John stated as he turned the volume down a little.

"It's my all time favorite. It's been a while since it's been on the radio."

"What else do you listen to?"

"Uh, anything except classical."

John laughed. "Well that narrows it down."

Scarlett giggled too. "Well I do love One Direction, Katy Perry, Carrie Underwood, Nickelback, The Script, and Maroon 5," she explained.

John nodded in approval. "Maybe sometime we can go to a concert," he suggested.

"That'd be awesome!" Scarlett screeched. John laughed again.

 Scarlett stared out the window, watching the night become darker and lights brighter. It was like she was in a movie. The air was breezy yet warm and the car was cool. She looked over at John, her father, a man she had always admired, now talking to her. She was apart of his family. Everything felt so surreal. This really did feel like a movie.

 "Where exactly are we going?" Scarlett asked, curious.

"The airport for our flight to Sacramento," John answered. "Are you ready for your first WWE event with me?"

"Duh," Scarlett smiled. She was ready to make a dream come true.

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