Being gay is against my religion. It's very hard for me because I believe in God and I feel like he excepts us in the LGBT. I know I will got through a lot. Through people hating me and loving me. It's a very emotional move but I'm willing to do it.
It's like I feel like God excepts me, but no one else does. When I look up things like can you be religious and gay. I don't know I hear I don't know or yes, do what you believe in.
I don't know I believe in God ( put a comment of your opinion ) I want to change things for LGBT. Make it better for everyone. Everyone except love for what it is. Not everything has to be out the rule book. I wish that God made love for everyone. It's not like it's devilish or someone just mind controlled someone and said you have to like your same sex.
It happened naturally, just like weather, birth. It's all natural and that's what I believe in. You see how they said LOVE WIN's because the LGBT is only love no harm. I want to learn but I want a girlfriend because when I get older I'm not going to want to date because it's the useful for me, being single and studying, having a well paying job. It's hard but worth it. Because we are going to win one day. THE LOVE IS WHAT WE WILL WIN. Not the world. I would love to see or my kids, or kids kids see a gay president one day. Equality is what I want in this world.