Live Chat and Relations

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Sabrina POV-

"Hey guys! Chat starts in two minutes" I screamed down the hallway.

"Okay!" Jordan yelled

"Why are you so loud?" Kay laughed as she flopped down on the couch.

"It's fun" I shrugged

"And not to mention adorable" Ben said hugging me from behind

"Shut up" I blushed as stuck my tongue out at him.

"Can't make me" he smirked and I glared at him

I lunged to tackled him but he quickly sprinted towards the couch. I landed on the floor but quickly sprung to my feet and ran towards him. He laughed and jumped over me and I glared at him again.

"Okay guys it's time!" Kay announced

"Okay but I still have to beat you up" I said to Ben

"We're starting without you two" Dan said

"Okay" we said in unison and I leapt towards Ben

He move out of the way and went behind my back before grabbing my by the waist and holding me tightly so I couldn't escape.

"Hi guys! Im Dan and I play Jack Kelly" Dan introduce himself and I started to bite Bens arm

"I'm Kayleigh and I play Miss Katherine Plumber" Kay introduced herself and looked at us

"What" Ben asked and I managed to break free from his grip, but slipped on the blanket that was on the floor. Resulting in me face planting on the wooden floor behind the couch.

"That's Ben and he plays race and that's Sabrina and she plays sniper" Dan explained as Ben jumped on me

"Ow! Ben!" I screamed and squirmed underneath him

"I won!" he smirked

"Not quite" I smiled and flipped him over, pinning him down to he ground.

"Okay I say we do this the real way" Ben smirked


"Olive Garden parking lot at 6:30 sharp" he said seriously

"Ooh can we get breadsticks while we're there?" I asked

"You're so adorable" he laughed and kissed my forehead.

I let him up off the ground and helped him stand up.

"Why thank you madam" he smiled

"Youre a dork" I laughed

"Can we continue the chat now?" Stephen laughed

"Sure" I shrugged awkwardly before making a weird face at the camera.

"Okay so first question is from Reyna1025 If you could change your voice range for a day which range would you pick?" Kay read off her phone

"Bass." I nodded my head

"Why?" Chaz laughed

"Because then I could go up behind people and scare them" I said simply

"True." Sky agreed

"I dont know, Soprano" Stephen said

"Altos for life" Dan and Sky fistbumped

"Contralto" Ben smirked

"Oooh yeah I'm goin with contralto" Chaz said

"Okay next question is for......everyone except Benbrina" Kay laughed

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