Secrets and The Search For Ben

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Kay POV-

I woke up to Mikey, Steve, Mike, Jordan, and Josh belting the Circle of Life. I laughed to myself and nudged Dan awake. His eyes opened slowly and a smile grew on his face as he heard the guys singing terribly in their morning voices.

"Morning" I laughed quietly and he smiled back at me

"Morning. They sound great" He chuckled and I nodded as we sat up to look at them.

We watched them sing and others waking up to them. Some were hostile; like Andrew and Tommy, and some others joined in like Ryan and Kara. I laughed at the guys throwing pillows at them and Sabrina caught my eye. She was propped up in the corner, holding a cup of coffee in her hands, as a slight smile spread across her face. She had dark circles under her eyes and her mascara was ruined. I walked over to her and sat down.

"Hey girly what's up?" I asked pulling the blanket up onto the two of us.

"Ben hasn't come back" she spoke softly looking off into nowhere it seemed

"Back from what?" I asked cautiously.

"Oh you haven't heard." she spoke and explained to me that she and Ben had a fight and he still hasn't returned.

"I'm sorry. He probably fell asleep in the hall or something. We can ask the security guard if we cant find him." i reassured her and she nodded

"Yea. I've been up all night waiting for him to come back." She explained rubbing her eyes.

"We'll find him. But you need to sleep in the meantime." I said sternly

"No, I'm fine" She said

"You need sleep. Here." I said handing her a pillow and taking her coffee away.

"No I'm fine Kay." she said stubbornly

"You arent going to be any help with no sleep" I said and she glared at me before laying her head on the pillow.

"Hey Josh, Dan" I called the two over.

"What's up" Dan asked.

"We need to find Ben" I said looking at the now sleeping, Sabrina

"Okay what's the plan?" Josh asked

"Divide and conquer?" Dan asked kneeling

"Divide and conquer" I nodded and we got up to leave when Josh called Jeremy over

Josh POV-

"Hey Jeremy" I called out and he ran over

"What's up man?" he asked smiling

"You heard what happened between Sabrina and Ben right?" I asked slipping my phone into my pocket.

"Yea, he's an ass" he said crossly

"Yea. Well can you keep an eye on her while we look for him, please?" I asked glancing at her

"Oh sure. Good luck" He smiled reassuringly.

"Thanks" I smiled and left the room with Kay and Dan

"So I'll go check with the security guard" Kay said

"I'll check the west wing" I said

"Then I guess I'll check the east" Dan shrugged

"Okay call one of us when you find him okay?" Kay said and we all nodded.

I walked towards the west wing and started to look in every office and room. I heard sniffling in the hallway so I ran down the hallway and turned the corner to see Ben sitting with his back against the door.

"Hey, Ben" I sighed in relief and texted Kay and Dan that I found him.

"Hey" he said quietly and looked at me with red puffy eyes.

"What's up" I asked casually causing him to smile before frowning again

"I screwed up big time" he said hiding his head in his hands

"I dont know if you screwed up big time. I mean Sabrina's more worried than mad a-" I spoke but he cut me off

"It's not about the fight, Josh" Ben said scared.

"Well, what did you do?" I asked

"Well, I..................Andrew offered me a spot in Tuck Everlasting....and I took it...." he said quietly as he looked up at me and my heart broke. My best friend is leaving?

"And you're afraid that Sabrina will leave you if you tell her because you didn't talk to her first." I deduced sadly as I sat down next to him.

"Yea..and I have to leave all of you in a week" he said somberly

" didn't screw up that bad." I said trying to cheer him up

"Yea I did. I really wanna do this but I don't want to leave you all. You're my family." He said frustratedly

"Hey man it's okay. I mean as much as we want it to happen the your isn't gonna last forever. When it's over we can move back to our apartment together." I suggested trying not to hide my sadness.

"It's not gonna be the same though" he said regretfully

"Hey this is a huge opportunity, you should be happy. I mean it's going to be sad at first, sure, but it's going to be great for you in the end." I said looking him in the eyes.

"Yea I guess you're right." he sighed.

"Now come on Sabrina stayed up all night waiting for you to come back, that's how worried she was"I said as I got up.

"Really?" he asked as I helped him up.

"Yea" I replied as I wiped a tear off of my cheek, trying to hide the fact that I was crying.

"Wow." he said thoughtfully

"I'm going to miss you a lot man" I said quietly as I grabbed him in a hug.

"I am too." he said quietly and we pulled away.

"Wow you look great. I must look terrible" I laughed looking at his appearance.

"You always do" he laughed

"Shut up. Im fab" I said pretending to flip my hair

"You're an idiot" he laughed and we walked back to the office room.

"Oh good you're okay. You had me worried sick" Kay said running to Ben as we approached.

"I'm fine mom" Ben laughed as she embraced him.

"Shut up" she said and glared at him playfully.

"Hey man, glad to see you're okay" Dan said and hugged him.

"Sabrina looked like a crazy person this morning" Kay said to him

"Well I mean she is" I joked

"She'll be glad to see you're safe" Dan smirked and they went in.

Ben looked nervously at the door and I patted him on the back.

"It's gonna be okay" I said reassuringly and he nodded before we walked into the room.

At least I hope it's gonna be okay.


Hey guys Im so sorry for not updating in forever. I've been so busy with school and wet moving next month. I hope you guys don't hate me!! ❤ Youuu

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