Chapter 7 Date with Justin

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Olivia's POV:

What could he be keeping away from me. Then I saw Justin's car and he stopped and got out and came to me.

"I thought I was going to pick you up at the hotel I was going to say hi to the boys" he said while smiling me smiled back.

"I had to get away from Harry" i said

"Why I thought you and him were friends"

"We are just don't worry" I said with a smile

"Ok" he opened the car door for you I got in. He sat in the drivers seat.

"So where are we going?" I asked

"It's a surprise"

I smiled

A few minuets later the car stopped.

"We're here" Justin said

Me and Justin got out of the car. He held my hand I could feel your face going red. Then I looked up and saw loads of paparazzi's taking pictures. I got a bit annoyed but I'm used to people taking loads of pictures when I'm with one direction.

Me and Justin went in a fancy restaurant it looked so nice.

I looked at Justin he was smiling.

A waiter showed us to a table. I looked around the room and people were staring and whispering.

Me and Justin ordered our food and started talking.

"So what was wrong with Harry then" he asked while smiling.

"He just don't seem himself and I can tell something's wrong but he won't tell me" I replied

"Never mind" Justin said as the food arrived

I smiled at him. I would always dream about being on a date with Justin Bieber you thought.

"Olivia" Justin called

"Yeah" you said

"You ok you were staring for a bit"

"Yeah I was just thinking"


We both finished our food and carried on talking and I got to know him better and he got to know me. It was the best date ever!

Justin payed and he held my hand and walked back to the car. There was a few paparazzi's but it didn't bother me. Justin opened the car door for me i thanked him and got in while he made his way to the drivers seat.

He drove back to the hotel.when we arrived arrived at the hotel. I was about to get out of the car but Justin pulled my hand.

"Olivia?" He said

"Yes Justin" I said

"I know this is fast but I really like you" I felt my cheeks go red

"I like you too" I said

He smiled "ok I'm just gonna say it Olivia will you be my girlfriend"


"Yes I would love too" I said

Justin kissed me gently on the cheek. omg Justin Bieber is my official boyfriend ahhhh!!!!

We both got out of the car and walked inside the hotel. I opened the door and saw all the boys sitting on the sofa looking.

Me and Justin walked in

"Hey did you have a good time?" Niall asked

"Yeah it was amazing best date ever!"I said looking and smiling at Justin.

"Yeah" Justin said not breaking eye contacted with me "I better get going"

He kissed my head "bye see u all tomorrow" and he went home.

As soon as Justin left. I went to bed i couldn't be bothered to talk to Harry about earlier i was too tired and really happy and I didn't want to spoil that.


A/n: short I know I'm sorry




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