Chapter 25

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A week later**

Olivia's POV:

So not much has happened the last week been with Justin Ryan and Chaz the whole time playing pranks on each other or on me, I haven't really seen the 1D boys I have been texting them tho. Olivia had a date with Niall and she said that it went really well. Holly and Zayn also went on a date together and Zayn said it was really cute when Holly cheeks went red when he kisses her. Liam and lia also had a date and said it was great.

I'm at my house and not the hotel I'm with Justin Chaz and Ryan. We wasn't really doing much I was resting my head on Justin as he was playing with my hair while we were all watching a movie.

My phone started to ring. I answered it.

"Hello?" I said

"Hi Olivia it's Niall can you come over like now?" Niall asked

"Why? If its for me to bring you some food then no" I said he laughed

"No but now you mention it I would like-"

"-Niall what did you need me for" I asked cutting him off

"It's Harry we will explain when you get here" he said the ended the call.

I didn't even say I was coming. I wonder what's wrong with Harry is it bad or good.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked

"That was Niall he said we need to go to 1Ds house now"

"Why?" Chaz asked

"Niall said something to do with Harry"

A few minutes later we were in a taxi on our way to 1d's place. It would have been better if I had my car.

Finally we arrived. I opened the door. yes I have my own keys I also have a bedroom there it's like a second home.

We walked in.

"Finally" Louis said

"Hi to you too" I said

"Oh yeah hi" Louis said

We all said hi to each other Harry wasn't here it was just me Justin Ryan Chaz Niall Louis Zayn and Liam.

"So what's wrong with Harry? I asked

"We need to brake Harry and Taylor up?" Louis said

"Why is Louis getting jealous" I asked

"No" Louis said hitting me playfully

"Ok so why?" I said seriously

"Well..." Niall began

"Harry has been missing rehearsals and meeting" Louis said

"and if this carries on he might have to leave" Niall said

"Ok so how we gonna break them up then" I said

Niall and Louis shrugged their shoulders. I turn round to Justin Chaz and Ryan they shook there head.

"Well I don't know" I said


We decided to go nandos for Niall he said it helps him think of plans, we all knew that was a lie but we was hungry.

We was all eating our food Niall was finished and started eating our food as well.

"Stop it" I said as he took another of my chips

"Ok last one" he said as he took another. I rolled my eyes.

"I've got an idea!" Liam said

We all turned round to look at him.

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