Chapter 8 The truth

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*Next day*

I got up and got ready quickly I wanted to talk to Harry as soon as possible.

Harry was sitting down watching tv.

"Hey" I said to him and sat next to him

"Hey" he said as he looked down

"Harry please tell me what's wrong"

"I can't"

"What do you mean you can't?"

"If I tell you it will change everything"

"Why are you sick"

"No" he smiled a bit " I just can't"

"Harry please" I begged

He looked at me and then he was about to say something but there was a knock at the door. I opened it. It was Justin

"hey" he said as I let him in.


"Still want to get breakfast"

"Yeah sure" I said even tho I forgot about it

I got my phone.

"I will talk to you later Harry"

"Ok" he replied

Justin held my hand and he walked me to his car. I got in the car and Justin started to drive.

"So did you talk to harry?" Justin asked

"Yeah I was actually talking to him before you came" I said

"So did he tell you what's wrong with him?"

"No but I think he was going to but then you came so I said I will talk to him later"

"Ok we're here" Justin said as he stopped the car.

We got out and saw a few paparazzi's and we both walked in.

We both got our food and sat down and started eating.


We both finished Justin payed even tho I said i would. We walked back to the car and as Justin drove I saw quite a few people looking and paparazzi's taking pictures. There probably starting to relies about me and Justin. Justin stopped the car out side the hotel.

"Aren't you coming in? I asked

"No you said you need to talk to Harry I will come round later and we can go out together"

"Ok" I said

"Wait" he said getting out the car and coming towards me

"What" I said as he came closer and he kissed me on the lips you kissed back a few seconds later the kiss broke and you both just looked at each other smiling. wow that was amazing. We ended up kissing again for longer ten we stopped still smiling at each other.

"Ok see you later" he said smiling

"Ok bye" I said smiling

Well that kiss was unexpected but amazing. I watched Justin drive away and then when inside.

Harry was still sitting down watching tv when I walked in and Niall and Zayn were there too.

"Hi" I said

"Hi" they replied

"Where did you go?" Asked Zayn

"I went out for breakfast with Justin" I said smiling

"Cool did you have a nice time then?" Zayn said

"yeah" I said

I went to my room. A few minutes later there was a knock at my room door

"Yeah come in" I said

It was Harry

"Hi" he said as he sat on my bed

"Hi" I replied

"So did you have a nice time with justin?"

"Yeah and he kissed me as well" i said


"So can you now tell me what's wrong?"

"Olivia I told you I can't"

"Why can't you, is it about me?"

He didn't answer so it is

"It is about me so tell me"

"No I can't"

"Harry please" i begged

"Well" he paused I looked at him "I have liked you since the day we met Olivia and seeing you with Justin makes me jealous because I know I can't have you"

I didn't answer

"I know your with Justin and we can't go out because of that and we are friends and I don't want to spoil our friendship"

I still didn't answer so he walked out of my room.

Omg the Harry styles like me but my boyfriend is the Justin and I haven't told Harry yet.





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