The sign's e-mail

222 10 18

Aries: army_dude103

Taurus: ice-cream_lover<3

Gemini: Prank_Master

Cancer: Free-4-Life

Leo: Aphrodite-wished-she-was-me;)

Virgo: Fulltime_Fangirl (I wish :p)

Libra: Beautifully-Balanced

Scorpio: One-Hell-of-a-Butler

Sagittarius: Bull's-Eye

Capricorn: Antisocial-because-of-YOU

Aquarius: Potterhead-4ever!

Pisces: Cuddles-are-my-Life


should I do a story where the signs are people because if you guys want I will!

Later my zodiac subjects-

Your Queen

My opinions of the zodiacsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora