Treasure Trove pt. 1

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"Rose, darling are you okay?" My mother looked me with worry.

"No I'm fine. Nonno just wrote back to me." I grabbed the letter and rushed to my room. I quickly started packing knowing that the trip was a few hours away. I shoved my clothes into an old backpack and went downstairs.

"Mama, I'm going to go visit Nonno in New York! I'll be back next week!"

The car key found it's way into the slot and the engine roared to life. I put on my sunglasses before I drove out the garage.

*Time skip brought to you by Happy the Dragon*

I followed the address which was written down on the envelope.
82639 Angel Street, Long Island Sound, New York.

That's when my eyes found the light blue and gray house. I remember when I was younger my mother would take me and we'd visit my grandfather all the time. And then we moved to New Jersey and we weren't able to visit anymore.

I parked my car in the empty driveway. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked to the front door.

A red head opened the door and gave me a dirty look before shutting the door on my face. Some loud yelling came from the other side of the door.

Although the person who opened the door the second time was my grandfather. The same salt and pepper hair and same smile lines. It was so familiar.

"Ciao mia nipote." He opened his arms for a hug which I didn't deny him.

"Ciao nonno. I brought the box and I'm prepared to listen." His smile faded away slowly before he led me inside.

Everything was were I had remembered. The grandfather clock in the corner, the brick fireplace, the strange tapestry hanging from the living room wall. Even the paint color didn't change.

My nonno had spoke to the redhead who's name I now knew as Rachel. She was a student at some prestigious art school and needed community service hours which she got by helping my grandfather.

He had me sit in his office while he got something. He returned quickly with the wedding photo which I now realized was missing from the fireplace mantle when I walked in.

"Nonno-" He shushed my question before he looked into the photo and began speaking.

"It all started in Venice Italy. I was born in 1924 on January 28. We were in the great depression but that didn't matter to my family. We had money, more than enough." He gestured with his hands around the room. I took a look around and saw things I mistake as normal. Hand crafted china, expensive hand embroidered pillows, stuff I wouldn't see in certain houses.

"My papa wasn't around a lot. He was a business man and was always out working. He always came home though, always in time for dinner and after we would listen to the radio shows they played in the evening. Oh Sunday, I loved that day. We as Catholics attended mass and to see my father for a full day was like heaven on earth for me.

"My mama was the one who took care of us. By us I mean my sister Bianca and I." He took a pause and showed me the picture and pointed to the woman on the far right. Now that he mentioned it I did see the resemblance that the two shared.

"She would take us to the park and to museums. It was one of my favorite memories of her. That and her cooking. It's not that shit you get at those restaurants. It was real, fresh Italian food.

"And Bianca," He took a longing glance at the photo frame. "I miss her so. She had arrived in America a few years after the war. I had contact with her for a while and then one day." Nonno's voice cracked. "She just disappeared. I still don't know what happened to her."

He stood up and set the picture frame down on the small coffee table.

"That's enough for right now. Let's go, Rachel made lunch."


I feel really proud of this. Here's the translations.

Nonno - Grandfather

Ciao - Hello/Goodbye

Mia nipote - My Grandaughter

Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter in a week!

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