Treasure Trove pt.2

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I don't know what I expected Rachel's food to taste like but it was really good. She made home-made chicken noodle soup, the type with chucks of vegetables and and chicken broth. It was a work of art.

"Grazie, Rachel. Me and Rose are going to be in my office. We'll call you if we need anything." Rachel nodded then went to the backyard. Nonno told me that she was painting the landscape or something, I thought it would be hard considering we were in the city but I quickly it let go.

We walked back into the room our stomachs full and sat back down in the appropriate places.

"Rosalina. Hand me the box please." His face held a blank expression as if he were calculating something. I quickly rummaged through my and and handed the small wooden box over wondering what he had in store for it.

He twisted the cap off and pulled out what little trinkets were inside.

Small scraps of metal and cloth. And a very small, but very noticeable Nazi pin. It remained in my grandpa's hand, his old brown eyes just staring at the piece of metal as if was going to do something.


"Things happen. And most of the time we have no control over it. That's what I kept thinking when my papa got arrested."

"Bia, when's Papa coming home?" My black hair fell into my eyes again. Mama had scheduled an appointment next week for us to go get it cut so I had to deal with it for the time being.

Bianca was standing at the bottom of the stairs, an overnight bag in her hands.

"I'm going over to Thalia's after dinner. You could come and play with Jason."

"Bia, when is Papa going to be home?" I repeated my question which my sister completely ignored.

"Mama said he might not come home until really late, after we're sleeping. So are you coming or not, Nico?" I nodded my head yes and began to quickly collect my toy trucks and various cards that were strewn around.

Bianca murmured something under her breath before she went back to her room.

"Nonno." My grandfather sat there staring at the pin. Besides our breathing the room was silence.

"It wasn't until I was much older when I figured what happened. My Papa was involved in something he didn't want to be in." He still didn't meet my eyes.

"The blasted Mafia took my Papa away from me. He had a mishap with them when he was in Sicily for a business trip.

"The police found the hideout and arrested everyone there. My Papa was there trying to get convince the leader to let him go. The police didn't believe that he wasn't involved so they took him in.

"I didn't see him again until after the war. The time in prison wasn't good for him, messed up his brain. I remember what he said to me, "My baby Nico. Mio bambino. Where's your Mama? Where's my lovely Maria?"

"Papa. Mama didn't make it. She wanted to help. She felt it wrong that the Jews were being punished for their faith and she hid them Papa. She hid them.

After about the third family, the Gestapo showed up. They shot Mama outside when she refused to let them into the house. I saw it happen with my own eyes. They found the family and took them. Bianca was there, giving the couple bread and water. Bianca had told me,"I'll be right back Niccolo, stay under your bed until I come back."
She didn't come back though.

After about five minutes I climbed out from beneath my bed and went to the window. They had taken the family away and Bianca was crying next to Mama.

And yet I stayed inside.

Bianca came into the house a few minutes later. My sister's eyes were bloodshot, the light blue dress she was wearing now had a prominent red stain. Bianca said that we we're going to be staying at Jason and Thalia's house for a while until the war was over.

Little did I know we weren't going to go to that house."

I'm alive! Also I've read ToA. It's amazing but I won't spoil it for you. Also the chapters are going to be more flashbacks then Nico telling Rose everything.


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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