Chapter Four

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EmmaLee and i sat on the stump that looked like Texas to her little brother and talked about how i was being treated. "You dont understand Keanah! Thats not right. You shouldnt be treated like this. You've gotta stand up to Mark and make him stop. Or you could tell your mom so she'll make it stop." I looked up at her with a frown etched into my face, "You dont understand. She agrees with what he says. Trust me, i know whats going on inside her head." EmmaLee looked down at the stump, "Yeah, but o was really hoping that it wasnt gonna be like that this time." Both of us sighed. "Yeah, I was hoping the same. 'Cinderella' has a lot of stuff she has to do tomorrow. I dont know if we'll be able to hang out yet." EmmaLee's face lit up like a Christmas tree and she stood up, "I know what will shut Mark up!" She pulled me to my feet. "What EmmaLee?" Her eyes sparkled with an mischievious gleam as she said, "Tell him, 'Atleast Cinderella got a Happily Ever After.' and walk away. He'll shut up." I smiled at her; she was right. Mark would stop the snide Cinderella comments when i said that. "Thank you EmmaLee." I gave her a big hug and turned to face my house, "I need to go back before Mom thinks that something is dirty." EmmaLee started towwards her house, "You're probably right about that. I'll talk to you tomorrow Keanah. Love ya!" And she ran inside. I walked across the street and continued through another day of Hell, ending it with more dreams of Tyler Goodman. This dream was the memory of what started all my true hopes of a future with him; the night he made the most important promise to me.

I smiled at his nervousness. It was so unlike him! "It's fine Tyler. Please just tell me what you need to." He took a deep breath. "Right... Okay. I can do this!" My breathing slowed but i remained quiet. "Keanah, like i've said a million times before, you are my everything. I mean that. Every morning i wake up, you're on my mind. When i'm at work and think about my breaks, i think about texting you. When i'm alone at night and dream about how my future is going to look, youre always there. You mean everything to me, Keanah. And i'd be the biggest fool in the world if i didnt hold onto you. Dont you understand? I love you more than life itself. Keanah, im moving to Indiana as soon as i can get my car. I love you and i want to be with you for the rest of my life." I realized i was crying when i said, "I love you too Tyler. You have no idea how happy that'll make me." EmmaLee had tears running down her face, but she was happy too. "Keanah, when i get settled in and start making some money again, will you maybe think about, possibly getting married in the future?" My heart stopped. I couldnt believe it! "Of course Tyler! I wouldnt want anything else."

'I wouldnt want anything else.' echoed in my ears as i pushed away from my tear-soaked pillow. Tyler had ripped my heart from my chest and crumbled it. It seems like he didnt even care. So why do i care so much?! I know i shouldnt. Its pointless to live in the past. I knew all of these things, but i couldnt bring myself to actually listen. I still care so much for him. I still wasnt ready to lose him completely. He isnt coming back. My mind screamed these things at me, but my heart wouldnt listen. There was a battle raging on inside me and neither side would budge against the force of the other.

I pushed myself to climb out of bed and carry on another day of living like Cinderella before the Grand Ball. I got dressed about left my room. Today, i wouldnt take Mark's gibes, i wouldnt listen to my mother's constant bickering and complaining, and i wouldnt sit in this house all day and clean. I kept my head up while i did my chores. I was tired of being sad and mopey all the time. I was finally ready to get my old life back, but it wouldnt be the same. Tyler wouldnt be in it. Instead, there was a hole where my heart held all the memories that i had of him. It would always be there, and i was finally starting to accept that. The pain would be my reminder that Tyler Goodman was real. I took a deep breath and ignored everyone in my house. After about an hour of cleaning in silence, Mark started in with his insults. "Well Cinderella, i think you missed a few spots. I just came in from outside, and its pretty muddy out today. The kitchen needs to be mopped now. Get busy with it Cinderella!" I stopped cleaning and looked deep into Mark's eyes, "Atleast Cinderella got a happily ever after." I set my rag down and left the house. If be in trouble when i got back, but i didnt much care anymore. Mom could be as mad as she wanted. I finally stopped caring about being 'Mommy's Good Girl' again. If she wanted to treat me like i was dirt, i would do the same thing to her.

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