Chapter Five

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I had been sitting in EmmaLee's living room for almost two hours without any phone calls or texts from my mom. Mark hadnt come over to get me and i really didnt care. EmmaLee and i had been haing out since i left the house. I told her what happened and she was proud of me. She didnt think i'd say it so soon. I didnt regret any of it. And for once in a long time, Tyler's memory wasnt clouding my every thought and emotion. I was free to do what i wanted. That was a feeling i hadnt had in a very long time, and i was going to enjoy it. EmmaLee's smile tole me she was enjoying herself as well. Besides, we both knew what was going to happen once i stepped into my house again. I wouldnt be allowed back outside and EmmaLee wouldnt be able to come over to see me. So we cherished the little time we still had together.

EmmaLee was leaving for home today. I knew i had to go over and see her before they left. I inched out of my bed, stretching my stiff muscles. Sleep deprivation was really starting to take it's toll on my body. Yawning, i changed into some sweatpants and pulled on my hoodie. The whole time i changed i thought back to the day i told Mark "Atleast Cinderella got a happily ever after". Neither EmmaLee nor i couldve foreseen the way things would end up. Chucking slightly, i left my room to tell mom my plans for the day. Like always, she was sitting on the couch. "Hey Mom, i'm gonna run across the street for a little while. EmmaLee is leaving soon and i want to tell her 'Good bye!'" My mom glanced up at me, "Alright Keanah. Dont be gone too long." A smile spread across my face, "I wont Momma." I turned towards the door, "I'll be back soon. Love you!" I walked towards the door. "I love you too. Be careful!" I laughed quietly to myself after i had closed the front door. I wasnt treated like dirt, called Cinderella, or had to clean the entire house every day. It was a miracle that had happened because i couldnt take anymore. I closed my eyes and thought back to that day.

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