Chapter Three

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Ant and Tim head to the area where they found the recruits and all of a sudden Ant put his arm in front of Tim. "Look" Ant said as he pointed to the market "the barricade has been destroyed" Tim said pulling out his swords. "Yeah it was the sabo" Ant said loading his guns. "Okay look I'll throw a flashbang into the market I need you to go and kill anything that is in there okay" "Yeah but the kids" Tim said with worry in his voice, Ant sighed "look I know you're worried but now is not the time bud I know it hasn't been long since we found you but-". "Enough...I know Ant it's fine let's just....get this over with" Tim said running towards the market with his katanas at the ready. "Dammit Tim we need to stick together!" Ant yelled as he raced towards the market.

When Tim reached the market he started to yell. "Tim what's wrong" Ant said as he looked inside the market he realized why Tim was yelling all the recruits had been killed. "No...w-why...they had so much to live for why did this have to happen" Tim said tears streaming down his face. "Oh my god" Ant said gripping his pistols tightly all emotion gone from his face."Tim...let's kill these Fuckers" Ant said setting his pistols to freeze mode. "Gladly" Tim said running at the group of tier ones "COME HERE YOU BASTARDS" Tim slices at the Sabo and hits them launching them back into a row of shelves "Ant freeze them so I can end these bastards". "With pleasure" Ant said as he shot the sabo turning them into frozen statues "end it Tim".

Tim closes his eyes and he puts his blades to his sides then in a split second he slices through all of them shattering as if they were thin glass. After his adrenaline ran out he noticed all the blood "d...damn it...DAMMIT" Tim said punching the floor "they were too young why did this have to fucking happen" he yelled as he kept punching the ground. Ant however was speechless. He walked over and waited for him to get up, and with nothing to bring back they went back to the base. They had been too late and that would haunt them for the rest of their lives, without notice Tim collapsed with a thud "TIM" Ant yelled as he picked Tim up "what the hell happened to you" he said as he looked for wounds on Tim "what the hell is this?" He said as he saw what looked like a devil's mark on his neck "this was never here before....I've gotta report this to donald" he said as he pulled out his communicator.

"Donald come in Donald!" Ant said. "I hear you bud what's wrong?". "Tim has collapsed and I don't know what's wrong I'm taking him back to base". "Okay but be careful since Tim is not able to back you up don't get any close to hordes and hurry back as fast as you can we will report in when we are finished Don out". "Okay Tim looks like we're heading back to the base" Ant said as he put Tim on his back "this is gonna be a long trip".

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