Does This Disturb You?

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What you are about to read might disturb you. This event started 3 years ago back in the summer of 2006. I have no idea what triggered these events. But, I will tell you that this story is real.

In the month of July, my mom started to leave the door open that led to downstairs. She left the door open because it was hot upstairs and the basement had cooler air at the time. One night my dad dropped me off to my mom's house. As my mother let me in the house I looked at the door that led to downstairs and I saw that my mom had not completely shut the door. The door was still slightly open. She hugged me and went to her room. I looked downstairs and listened closely to see or hear if there was someone or something down there and I started to hear something growling. The growl sounded something similar to a big dog's growl but for some reason I could just tell that it was not the growl of a normal animal. After I heard the growling noise I felt a threatening presence. So I turned the light off and shut the door all the way. I did not remind my mom or my brother because they would have just said that I was hearing things or hallucinating.

Near the end of July, I woke up and my mom and my brother were asleep. I decided to go check downstairs again. All of the lights in the house were turned off and as I walked down the hallway toward the door that led to downstairs I saw that my mom had completely left the door open this time around. So I looked downstairs, but I did not, go down there. It was very dark downstairs. As I looked toward the bottom of the stairs I saw an indescribable disturbing monstrous figure at the very end at the bottom of the stairs. The monster was transparent but mostly invisible and it was also very gas or smoke like in appearance and it looked extremely deformed. Numerous tiny lights sparkled from this thing which I believe were eyes. I also saw what looked to be a deformed head or numerous deformed heads and gigantic claws for hands. I thought that I was hallucinating at first but, I was not. It was just standing there in the dark downstairs as if it were looking at me. It was so huge and wide looking that I could not describe its height, but it was also very dark downstairs.

When I saw this thing I was too scared to even just take one step down there. As I looked at this unimaginable sight, I felt a great threatening presence and I felt like something was warning me not to go down there. I believe this thing was warning me to back off and not go down there. So I left the door completely open and I went to my mother's room and I lay down in bed with her while I was still awake. I left the door open because I was too scared and disturbed to close it. I also felt like I was being warned not to close the door. I also did not want to provoke this thing and I also knew that physical objects are no barrier to spirit beings. So closing the door probably would have made my situation worse.

After a while, I heard running footsteps and the sound of equipment or armor. It kept running and then stopping, running and then stopping, repeatedly. The sounds got closer and closer as this thing was about to run all the way upstairs. My mom and my brother were deep asleep while I was still awake. My heart was racing and pounding with fear and threat as I was lying there in bed with my mom. As the sounds got closer, the feelings of fear and threat got closer. I also felt helpless. I knew that if I had woke my mom or my brother up that they would not have believed me or believed what was going on. They would have just ignored me.

I heard these sounds about five or six times and then it stopped and for the rest of that morning nothing happened. A few weeks later my brother went to college and me and my mom moved to an apartment in a different city. But before we moved out of the house, I started smelling these extremely vile odors in the house. They were by far the most horrible odors that I have ever smelt in my entire life. The odor was similar to the smell of feces but something far worse than any natural odor or animal odor that you can think of.

Part two will be coming soon.

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