I'm really looking for some input, comments, ideas concerning what happened last Saturday. Let me preface my story by saying we live in a brand new condo and have lived here for a little over a year. When we first moved here, my one cat was reacting to something she sensed upstairs. I was alone at the time and noticed she was all puffed and growling lightly looking up the stairs... Her eyes were all "pupil".
This was the very first time I saw her appear "mean", she always has such a calm, sweet demeanor. So, I grabbed my phone, put on the camcorder and began video taping the stairs as I went up them. My cat wouldn't follow me at first. She looked truly frightened. When she DID start up the stairs, she went up one step, stopped, and waited a full minute before taking another. (and so on and so on)
My daughter, who is 14 and frequently sees auras, has sensed "something" here that comes and goes. Although she is a little afraid/uneasy, she is okay with it. My 10 year old son tends to be more creepers out, but we are all fine. I'm prone to believe it is my father, who passed almost 3 years ago.
Now, last Saturday, I had taken my son to an early soccer game and asked my daughter to get ready while we were away, since we were going to see family right after her brothers game. My son and I got home and began going up the stairs to our condo. We are on the second floor. Only to find Caitlin sitting on the stairs. While she wasn't scared, she wanted to know which one of is wrote "Trust Me on the bathroom mirror. I could see by her face that she wasn't kidding. And she could tell by our faces that we had no idea what she was talking about.
We entered the condo, went to our second floor bathroom, put the shower on and closed the door for the room to steam. While we waited, Caitlin showed us a picture of it. A couple minutes later, we entered the bathroom, and there it was: "Trust me.
I write it with the one quotation mark, because that's how it appears. I am certain that my daughter would not do this as a prank, because she takes spirits far too serious to scare us with a prank like this. And it could not have been my son for 2 reasons. First, the writing is nicer than Brendan could EVER write, and 2, Brendan writes "r's" and "u's" without the "tail", or straight up and down line. The writing in the mirror uses the "tail". And no offense to my son, but even if he was trying to disguise his handwriting, he wouldn't have done it using "tails" on letters and by writing so neatly.
Okay. Does ANYONE have input? I do have to say we are all creepers, yet comforted by this. I have pictures I can upload, if interested. Thanks, everyone!
Scary Stories Real Life Paranormal Stories Garyallen98
AcakI gathered the best ones i could find on the internet.Feel free to comment on your opinions!Dont read this after dark xD you might have nightmares.Have fun! Btw these are real stories not fake.oh my gosh i finished this whole book and cant write an...