Meeting Enkidu

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The man removed his cloak only for me to rest my eyes on him. He was wearing a black form fitting coat with his hood still up and black pants with arrow slots on the legs. Then I saw his weapons two sizable daggers with red handles and a black blade, slung over his shoulder I saw a golden looking recurve bow that has an enormous pull back weight on it. 

"Now that I have shown you my weapons may we duel?" 

"Yes we may, but first I would like to acquire your name." 

"My name is Enkidu" He said with great elegance 

"Good now Enkidu we have all the bases covered we can finally duel" Gilgamesh swipes up is considerably broad and extravagant sword and charges at Enkidu only using half his strength.

They clashed swords over and over again pulling slick moves and leaving cuts on each other occasionally until Gilgamesh finally got the upper hand on one of Enkidu's slips. He jumped in the back of Enkidu wrapping his sword around his neck tossing him into a tree leaving a path of ruins. Gilgamesh making his final charge toward Enkidu, He twisted his arm in the back of him and pushed the tip of his dagger against Enkidu's throat. 

"Now tell me the truth who are you and why did you attack my men?" Gilgamesh asked looking intent. 

"I was sent here by a god to keep you from your destiny..." 

"What do you mean my destiny?"

"I cannot reveal your destiny to you it will cause a paradox but what I can tell you is you become mad with power and I have to keep that from happening and I can do that by defeating you and making you less powerful." 

Gilgamesh took the dagger away stumbling backward thinking about if this could be true, could he one day be so powerful that he would have people groveling before him and goes mad if he doesn't have it all like a 5 year old making a tantrum because he didn't get something he wanted?

"Which God sent you?" 

"Well it was a decision made by all Gods and Goddess's but it was first introduced by the one that knew you best and the only Goddess that could see into specifically your future. The Tutelary Goddess of Gudea of Lagash or other known as Ninsun. " 

"So my mother proposed the death of me?"

"Not the death but the defeat." Enkidu slowly stood tall over Gilgamesh putting out his hand to help him up. Gilgamesh took his hand with gratitude.  

Gilgamesh was born into this world by a mortal human father, Lugalbanda, and a Goddess mother, Ninsun. This made Gilgamesh two thirds god and one third man, or a demigod.

Gilgamesh proposes a proposition for Enkidu to come back to Uruk and help him claim his place as king and Enkidu can be his second in command. 

"I accept but only on the terms that i will watch over you so you do not become the person you are in your mothers premonitions." 

They shake hands in partnership. 

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