The Introduction of a Warrior

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As a little boy lays frightened of a man wearing a dark tunic with cloth covering his face and head so you cant see him. He holds a dagger to the boy's throat, speaking his famous words "This will be the end of you." He said this to each of his victims before he slit their throats. He raises the dagger high above his head enough distance for a decapitation if only the blade was bigger. His arm speeding down when you hear the clash from two clashing swords. There he is Gilgamesh a blonde guy skinny enough to were he can move hastily and stealthy but also brute in a way to were he could wield any type of weapon or claim victory over any battle, disarming the man turning him over to the proper authorities so he can most likely get executed.  Gilgamesh did these deeds every day he was not part of the guard, He isn't a part of the royal family he's just a warrior that stands by and defends his people and is loyal to a fault to them. As long as he is alive Uruk will always have a savior. 

Gilgamesh, gathering a few men decided he would go hunting today. Taking a mix of different skilled men, he took 20 of them, including archers, greatsword wielders, one handed swordsmen, and a riot holder. 

Gilgamesh hopping on top of a crate prepared to make somewhat of a speech.

"I chose each and everyone of you because you are proficient in the skill you train in. I did not pick you cause I am your friend nor did I pick you because I was assigned to you. I picked you because I need people to rely on when we are slaying these beasts that poison our land, and frighten our children, they need to be brought to justice!"

They all cheered and raced out the gate like a heard of elephants ready to slay anything that comes close to them. After 6 long hours everyone is so tired except for Gilgamesh. Walking like he could do this all day, the soldiers behind begging to go home, Gilgamesh denying every request they had, saying we must move on. 

Gilgamesh finally gave in and let them have a break for an hour or two. Two men were standing guard while we took shift sleeping. Suddenly the dense and covered with leaves tropical floor got swept out from under them and they fell through to their unlikely demise as seeing there was upside spikes at the bottom of this pit. Gilgamesh went over to the pit to investigate with two guys looking over his shoulder. In a split second Gilgamesh heard two arrows leave a bow heading straight for the two guys over his shoulder. He does a backflip over the men and lands right behind them catching the arrows that were just about to hit them. A man shows up covered in a black cloak and a mask over his face. 

Gilgamesh stepping up bravely speaking out. "How dare you first ruin my hunt then decide to attack my men while they are blindsided?!?! Why don't you take off that cloak so I can see your face before I kill you. A coward. That is all you are. you don't even want to show the weapon you almost killed my best swordsmen with." 

The mysterious man finally came forward to speak, "If you would stop talking for one second you would know enough about me to know that the only people who will be dying today will be you and your men."

Gilgamesh unshealthed his sword ready to decapitate him. "STOP TALKING ABOUT MY MEN LIKE THEY ARE NOTHING!!!!!" "NOW!" Gilgamesh screamed as 10 archers started to shoot arrows at this man and Gilgamesh dropping his sword and started throwing knives at him. 

But there was one problem. He was dodging them all not letting any touch him. His speed and agility is almost as good as Gilgamesh's. 

After that attack was over, everyone including Gilgamesh standed looking at this man wondering where he learned his skills from. "Those skills are almost identical to mine...." "B-but that's impossible!" 

"No, it's not. I scour the world looking for warriors to defeat then after I defeat them I master their powers and skills as if they were my own."

"But that's totally mad!" Gilgamesh said still in total and utter shock.

"Mad or not I am here for a reason....To collect your skills and power which means the unlikely demise of you."


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