iv - four

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Camila grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, deja vu, and pushed me into a wall.

"Y/N, stop talking to Indya." She just admit to having no feelings for me and now she wants to demand me to do things?


"What did you say?" Is she blind.

"I said no." I felt a hand connect with my face and it didn't take me a long time to realize that Camila was beyond pissed and slapped me. Angry Camila is sexy as hell. Stop these thoughts, Y/N!

Camila walked out of the room after slapping me and I just held my face in shock. It didn't even hurt, but it's whatever.


Y/N's POV:

I sat on my bed with my head buried in my hands. Camila is going to be the death of me. How can someone just come in my life and flip it? ( A/N: Me when discovering fifth harmony )

Third Person's POV:
( Trying something new )

The tension increased every minute. Camila sat in the living room with her eyes on the tv trying to distract herself from the chatter around her.

"Where's Y/N?" Indya asked no one in particular.

All the girls, minus Y/N were in the living room on their phone or watching TV. Camila rolled her eyes at Indya's comment and lied.

"She's using the bathroom." Camila's words were almost inaudible since she said it through her teeth.

"Why so hostile, Camila?" Indya smirked knowing she pisses Camila off.

"I'm not being hostile, I'm just stating that she's in the bathroom."

"So if I go check the bathroom she'll be there?" Camila just nodded her head in response.

Indya walked up the stairs and was about to knock on the bathroom door, but the door was already open and no one was in there. Indya laughed quietly to herself and went into Y/N's room without knocking.

Y/N was halfway dressed with nothing but a sports bra and some shorts on. She was dressed to go for her daily jog then possibly play basketball.

"Sorry, Y/N I didn't mean to interrupt," Indya said while ogling Y/N's body.

"It's fine, really."

"Why is your face red?" Indya gasped. Y/N began to scratch the back of her neck thinking of the best excuse she could use.

"I slapped myself because I lost in angry birds."

"Angry birds? Who still plays that?" Y/N scratched the back of her neck again.

"Me." Indya was quiet and that point and began to move closer to Y/N. She felt Y/N's face in a gentle manner.

"Stay here, Y/N I'll be right back." Not waiting for a response, Indya flew down the stairs ignoring the weird looks from the girls and took an ice pack out of the freezer. She practically flung herself back up the stairs into Y/N's presence.

Y/N was already dressed and ready to go. She instructed Y/N to sit and applied the ice pack to her face.

"Thanks for helping me out, Indya. I'm never playing angry birds again." Y/N lied.

"Anytime, hun." The sun kept shining through the window making Indya squint.

"Well, I'll be going for my daily jog now Indya. Thanks again," Y/N began to walk out the room before Indya grabbed her hand pulling her back in for an embrace.

"Don't hurt yourself, Y/N." Indya giggled and went back downstairs followed by Y/N.

Y/N told the rest of the girls she was going for her daily jog even though it's pretty late out.

Before closing the door, Y/N heard Indya say, "She wasn't even in the bathroom, liar."

Dinah's POV:

The tension could be cut with a knife. Camila and Indya practically glared at one another, but why? I'm don't want to be the first to speak up. I checked my phone and saw I got a text from someone who was less than 15 feet away from me.

Normani: y cams actin like dis

Dinah: idk but im the captain so this is my responsibility to fix it

I feel kind of bad for inviting Indya over now. I walked over to Camila and took a seat next to her.

"Camila, is everything okay?" She just had a blank expression on her fave compared to my concerned one.

Camila remained quiet and simply nodded.


Third person's POV:

It was almost 10:00 at night when Y/N reached the block her house was on. The street lights weren't working, per usual.

Y/N jogged down the block reaching her house, but tripped over a large rock that was barely visible in the dark, foggy night.

Y/N cursed in pain as she saw her left knee beginning to bleed. "Thank God I'm home," Y/N muttered to herself.

Y/N quickly gathered her composure and limped over to her front door. She struggled looking for her keys to unlock the front door.

Finally getting her keys, Y/N unlocked the door and everyone was asleep in the living room already. She locked the door back then limped over to the kitchen to get an icepack from the freezer that she will use later on.

She headed upstairs to shower.

Camila stirred in her sleep and woke up to use the bathroom. Upon walking up the stairs she bumped into Y/N who had nothing but a towel around her.

"Camila." Y/N bitterly spat.

This took Camila off guard.



sorry for the short chapter. next one will be longer.

hey guys i got around 10 votes last update, just wanted to say thanks for the support.

next update at 8+ votes.

message me if you're bored. vote, comment and follow me as it is what motivates me to keep updating.

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