Chapter 4

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Everyone falls back into the room, as April hands me Blaire.

"We better get going if we want to get home my sunrise." she says, and I nod. I give Raph a kiss on the cheek and scurry off with April.
We are stuck in traffic, April laying in the back and playing with Blaire, me in the front, driving.

"So. You and Raph? What's it like dating a hothead?" she asks.

"I should have told you this before, but I actually, broke up after dating Raph for a year, then became pregnant at the bar with him, and the bad thing is, he knew I was awake and left me there, that's when I came home crying, not knowing what would happen after that. So technically, we are back together." I say, knowing I made her speechless.

"Wow." I laugh, not seeing the car hurdeling towards us.

"WATCH-" She didn't have time to finish as the car collided with my side, and pain filled me. I close my eyes, only to be met with darkness.
I wake up, in a hospital, with April sitting next to me.

"Bella! Oh my God!" April gasps before running into the hallway.

I scream in pain, doctors filing around me. They turn me onto my stomach and insert something into my back.

"That should help with the pain. Now. Everyone out while I tell her the news." says the doctor. While everyone is exiting the room, I spot April, hands on her stomach, with four guys next to her.

"Okay. I don't think you will like this news but, where the car struck you, permanently dammaged you. You are no longer able to have any children unfortunately." he says, and I already feel my hand on my mouth as tears roll down my face.

"On top of that, your daughter, is in critical condition, and is in surgery right now." he says with sympathetic eyes. All hell brakes lose after that.

"SHE IS 3 FUCKING DAYS OLD! I WANT BLAIRE! GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER!" I scream out, tears pouring out. The doctor leaves me in my mental state, as one of the guys come into the room.

"Who the hell are you and why are you here?" I ask, tears still falling down my face.

"It's me Raph." the same Brooklyn accented voice answers. I bolt up and into his arms as the tears turn into a full on rain storm.

"I know. Listen to me. Blaire will make it through. She's a strong girl like you, because you have survived longer through anything I know."

"I don't know if I can make it. Didnt he tell you? I am permanently damaged and can no longer have kids! That breaks every piece of me Raph! Who knows what the permanently damaged part is." I say in between sobs.

"You will get through this, okay?" I nod.

"I love you more than anything princess, and you know that."

"I love you too." Is all I say before passing out.

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