Going to the party part 4

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   I woke up early on the day of the party which is unusual for me I tend to stay in bed till the last minute. I looked at my costume and said," Well wolfy I hope Sue likes this costume."  I showered and did my hair and went downstairs to the kitchen. "My, my looks who's up early. Is the house on fire?" My mom asked.

   "What do you mean mom?" I asked.

   "I usually have to yell at you a half dozen times for you to get out of bed." she said.

   "Aw, mom I'm not that bad am I?" I said.

   "No, You're  usually worse." She said.

   " Thanks a lot, MOM." I said.

   "Anytime son. Anytime." She said.

   I got a glass of OJ and a pop tart and went back upstairs to play my Xbox and to see if anyone was online. Sue was of course and when she saw my name pop up she hooked on to me and we started to chat.

   S: Oh Tom aren't you excited about the party tonight!!!

  T: Yeah, really excited. Yawn.

  S: Oh come Tom it will be the best party ever!!!

  T: You say that every year about every party.

  S: This one is going to be different.

  T: You say that about every party too.

  S: I don't know what your problem is.

  T: You know I don't have any friends and as soon as we get there we'll walk in you'll see your friends and BOOM you're gone and I'm left alone in a roomful of people that I have nothing in common with anyone. Then you'll spend the whole night with your friends talking about whatever.

  S: No I won't.

  T: Yeah you will I know you.

  S: Well I have to mingle.

  T: I'll just find me a dark corner to go in so I don't cramp your style.

  S: Will you stop that. I know you're my date and I'll keep you right next to me.

  T: While you talk to your friends that hate me and I have nothing to do with and are not included in the conservation at all.

   S: Then why are you taking me then?

   T: You threaten me with bodily and mental harm. Remember?

  S: Oh I did??? I don't think I remember that. I'm not a violent person you know.

  T: You were pretty convincing on the day in question.

  S: I must've forgotten it. Maybe I had a blackout and don't remember that. Maybe it's was my evil twin talking to you and not me.

   T: Whatever

  S: So... when are you going to pick me up?

   T: 5:30. That will give us ample time to get there and possibly park close to the door.

  S: What does it matter how close we are to the door?

  T: So we don't have to walk that far in our costumes.

 S: Why does that matter?

  T: Less chance of damage to our costumes. You don't want to get a tear in your costume or fall down before you get to the door.

   S: I guess your right. Are you going to be in your costume when you pick me up or change there?

  T: I'll pick you up in my costume so you'll see it first. My mom and dad will see it as I'm leaving so I guess you'll be the third person not the first.

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