The Full Moon Festival Part 24

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   Dan and I worked feverishly on the preparations for the festival. Sue was stuck to me like glue which made me feel whole and warm. Food, decorations, seating and lodging had all to be figured out. What a nightmare I thought.  "Not quite a nightmare if you consider what you're gaining Tom." Ash said. "Hey Ash I haven't heard from you in awhile." I said to Ash. "Oh, I've been here keeping an eye on you." Ash said. "Or is it a eye on Sky?" I said. "Well...You know....Well that is....Uh..." Ash stammered.  "That's what I thought." I said. " OK. You got me on a technicality. But Sky is the most beautiful wolf I've ever seen." Ash said. " I think someone is in love." I teased. "Look whose talking LOVERBOY." Ash said. We both laughed as we both knew we were in love and had found our mates." I can't wait to mark Sue as mine." I said. "When you do Tom. You, me, Sky, and Sue will become as one." Ash said. "You mean I'm stuck with you forever?" I teased again. "Yep." Ash replied. "I can't trade you in for a newer model?" I teased some more. "If you could you'd probably would have done that by now." Ash said with a laugh. "Touche." I said. "You got me." I completed. "How about a run tonight with mean Sue." Ash asked. "Why not we haven't done that in awhile. I like the correction there." I said. Ash just snickered. 

   Sue just then came bouncing  into the room. "Hey my mate, my Alpha." Sue said and we kissed.

"How about a run tonight? " I asked. 

 "Sounds great we haven't done that in ages." Sue said. I had to agree with that it had been a long time. All this Alpha business. my recovery and school we just couldn't find the time.

  "So... What did you need?" I asked leaning back in my office chair.

   Sue looked at me and giggled. "You." She finally said with a sly grin.

  "Oh? And what do you need me for?" I asked.

  "I want you!" She said.

  "Well you know I'm the Alpha now and you'll have to make an appointment and maybe I can pencil you in sometime. Say about two weeks for now." I teased her.

   "I don't need an appointment. I'm the Luna and I come first no matter what." Sue said.

   "You think so. Eh." I said.

   Sue jumped into my lap wrapped her arms around me and looked me straight into my eyes and said. "I know so. Now kiss me my fool." And we had a most passionate kiss. Deep and loving. After a few minutes Sue broke the kiss looked at me and said. "Do you still want to pencil me in now?"

   "My schedule is always open for appointments like this." I said.

   "See you tonight. My Alpha." Sue said.

   After Sue left I continued on the paperwork I had in front of me. I was finishing signing the forms when a knock came to my door. "Come in." I called out.

    "Alpha?" Dan called out. "I hope I'm not disturbing you." He said.

    "Not at all. I'm just finishing up. What's up?" I asked.

    "Alpha. I think we've got almost everything ready for the festival and you know that you're not the only one selecting a mate right?" Dan asked.

   "Huh? I thought I was the only one." I said.

   "No Alpha. All the unmated males and females select at the festival. When a werewolf reaches the age of 18 they will start looking for their mate. With you being a unmated Alpha the females will be crawling all over you." Dan said.

    "But I already have a mate." I said.

    "I know that but you haven't marked her yet. She'll have the males crawling all over her too." Dan explained.

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