The Battle Part 20

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   The battle has started. Zack and I started walking in circles eyeing each other as to size the other up. Zack was taller than me and had more muscle. Zack stood at 6'6" and looked like one of those bodybuilders. I on the other hand was 6'3" and I didn't have the muscle definition that Zack had.

   "You know I will let you walk away from here alive. Though you would have to leave my territory without Sue and never return and live as a rouge." Zack said.

   "What do you mean by rouge?" I asked not breaking eye contact as we continued to circle each other.

   "Packless, alone, mateless, no place to call home, and any other pack would kill you if they found you in their territory. You would be a nomad but you'd be alive." Zack said.

   "Sounds worse than dying." I said.

   "To some. To others a way out. What's your decision? Alive or dead?" Zack said.

   "Sounds to me that being a rouge is saying you're already dead." I said.

  "Maybe to some but not to others." Zack said.

   "Being a rouge and branded as a coward? NEVER!" I said.

   "So be it." Zack said. "I gave you a chance to walk away alive. Now face the consequences."

  "Bring it on old man!" I yelled.

   We collided with a force that I swear that shook the ground. Zack had the upper hand and hit  my chin so hard that I flew backward into the air and landed with a thud on the ground. Dazed, I rubbed my chin it felt like I got hit with a sledgehammer. Zack stood there laughing. "That's just a taste of what you're going to feel today. But don't worry soon you won't feel anything at all or ever AGAIN!" Zack said proudly.

   While he was gloating I stood up and jumped at him I slammed into him knocking him off his feet and then I punched him as hard as I could in his gut. Zack got up wheezing. I must of knocked the wind out of him. "Not bad *wheeze* pup. Not *wheeze* bad." Zack wheezed.

   Zack and I collided again this time we both went werewolf. When I shifted I didn't even feel it but there I was full werewolf. Zack also changed in the blink of an eye. Now the real fight began.  Zack and I were trading blows back and forth. Zack then bit my arm while trying to gouge out my eyes. I blocked his hand and I turned his paw fingers back and almost broke them backwards. Zack howled in pain as I bent them backward. Zack grabbed my paw hand that had his paw hand fingers and pried my paw hand off his. Zack then threw me through the air by my paw hand. I landed on the ground again. I looked up and Zack was approaching me shaking his sore paw hand. "I underestimated you pup. You know how to fight dirty." Zack sneered.

   Zack approached me but I was playing opossum acting like I was hurt. Zack reached down to grab me when I surprised him by grabbing his arm pulling him down and raising my leg connecting with his  chest. I heard a loud crack as I broke one of his ribs. I flipped Zack over me while my leg was still connected to his chest and kicked him sending him flying through the air. Then he was on the ground. I scrambled to my feet only to see Zack already standing holding his side. "Very good pup. But I have fought injured before." Zack said.

   Zack hit me hard in my face. I was stunned. Zack then slashed at me in the stomach with his claws slicing my gut open. I put my arm over the bleeding slice when Zack hit me across my face again knocking me to the ground. He then bent down and bit into my shoulder and was trying to tear it off of me. I howled in pain I could feel my shoulder starting to separate. I had to do something fast. "Poke him in the eye." Ash said. "It's our only chance."

 I reached up through the searing pain and poked him in both eyes. Zack released my shoulder and put his paw hands over his eyes. Screaming with pain and rage. " You f------ pup! You'll pay for that. I'm going to f------ kill you!!!" Zack screamed. While he was blinded I shook my shoulder back in place and snuck up on Zack. I got behind him and delivered a low blow sending him to his knees. I raised his head and I was going to gouge his throat out. That was my first mistake. Zack grabbed my arm and wrenched it. I could hear popping noises coming from my arm.  Zack kept twisting my arm until it broke. Sue screamed. My arm hung down limp and useless.  Zack looked at me and laughed. "Well pup looks like this is the end for you." Zack snickered. "You were one of the better challengers that I encountered. Now it's over pup. Goodbye Tom. It's been nice knowing you." Zack said.

   Zack began to swing to give me a killing blow. I blocked it with my other arm grabbing his fist. "Still got a little fight in you huh? No matter it's over for you." Zack said.

   "I'm not dead yet." I said. Still holding his fist and squeezing as hard as I could hearing his bones break in his paw hand. Zack screamed in pain as I applied more pressure to his paw hand. Zack went to his knees and through the searing pain in my badly broken arm  and the slice in my stomach I found the strength to stand up and kicked Zack under his chin and connecting with his throat. Zack made a gurgling sound then fell to the ground as his blood flowed from his mouth. Zack was dead. Then I collapsed from the pain, loss of blood, and exhaustion.

    Sue came running to me. "Tom! Tom! Can you hear me! Tom!!" Sue yelled.

   "Yyyooouuu kknnooww I I I hhate it whhhen yyyyou yyyelll." I said very weakly. 

   "Tom! You're alive! You beat him! He's dead!" Sue yelled holding me.

   "Here let me take him to the pack doctor." Dan said.

   "Why do you want to help him?" Sue asked.

 "He beat Zack our Alpha Now Tom is the Alpha. I'm the Beta for the pack the second in command. I look after him and his mate and protect them with my life." Dan said.

   Dan picked me up and helped me get to the pack doctor as I was helped from the arena the rest of the pack yelled and cheered and clapped. "Theeyy sssseem hhhappy ttthhat I I I wwwon." I said weakly.

    "They are Tom. You beat Zack and now you're our new Alpha. Now let's get you to the pack doctor before we lose another Alpha in the same day." Dan said smiling. I smiled weakly and so did Sue. 

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