Chapter 1 : The Bork meets the JoJo

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Once Upon a time, in a land called the United States of America, there was a Bork. This Bork was a gorby Bork, and Borked around all day. The Bork's life changed when suddenly out of nowhere the universe broke just a itty bitty bit, and Jonathan Joestar from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure somehow came to be a thing right in the Bork's own home.

How the butt this happened is unknown, but what was know was that the Bork had to take care of this very confused JoJo. You see, when Jonathan appeared, he thought he was dead. When asked what he last remembered he said the last thing he recalled was dying while holding Dio's head. But you see the Jonathan felt very much alive, and oh so very confused due to that fact he was magically in the future.

"Oh Jonathanu-san, worry not-kun. For I shall educate you in the ways of this world." Said the Bork to the Jonathan.

While Jonathan tried to protest and say he wanted to go back to his world, the Bork said the Jonathan probably can't go back cuz magic breaks of the universe happen very rarely and usually in fanfictions only. Jonathan excepted this reason to stay cause duh, and he began to live with the Bork.

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