Chapter 3

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Sorry that I only publish short updates but don't worry I'll make sure that I still have time to write

Please read How I met My Destined One. It's my other story where this girls tell her highschool story. ENJOOOOY!

So after that happened...... ofcourse I fell depressed again. I think things over and over and I iddle a lot. In school, in house , in bed and even while shitting. At that point I don't really know what to do, then I decided to ignore them for a few days.

Why I did that, you ask? I did it because one time while browsing my facebook timeline I saw a lost where it say "The more you ignore a person, the more they'll notice you".

But..... I think it didn't worked. It just BAM! Let her be. Just ignore her either.

As the days pass I noticed something different. Totally different.

Once upon a time ALL of the girls in the classroom EXCEPT for ME,Pauline and Antonette.They always go to Flor's house to have lunch there.

Wanna know why WE never go with them? Because THEY don't know how to invite people, theyre selfish and they don't care about us.

The next day, the same thing happaned again and the day after another and another! Then one time they FINALLY,

FINALLY decided to invite me because like they notice me napping with a frown face. But.....

I rejected them! At that moment  My feelings are all messed up. Feeling sad, frustrated and happy. I don't even know what to do.

And so the me back then have nothing to do but to just beare with the pain they gave. And behalf of that Ive got no friends at all.

No friends to tell what I feel inside. So the old me went to another section called Sapphire. I'm so lucky because I still have my old friends in here. I didn't tell them what really happened.

I just let myself in and go! We four played like we're kids. Me, Alyssa, Kharls and Czarina played "Tagu-taguan" where in this game one person is the one who will be counting up to 100 without opening his/her eyes while the rest, finds a place where they can hide.

It was so fun in there. It was so fun that after I finish my lunch I always go there just to see them!

So days passed again....... and one time when I finally decided to stop coming to meet my old friends, We six decided to have a story telling about everything. Andrei, Geomar, Johnico, Antonette, Pauline and Me were laughing so hard that one of us farted!

What's our subject you ask? We try to copy our classmate's lips and the way he laughs. Because when he laughs it's like He can't get enough air and he's fat btw And..... when he talk, he always like pout his upper lip that's why he's funny. And oh! He gets annoyed easily.

One time when we're all outside in the park we section Diamonds planned to trick Philip. Philip the one who easily gets pissed off and really sensitive. My classmates, Dennis at Brian putted a huge rock inside Philip's backpack. Then I shouted "Philip! We can go to our classroom now!"

He picked up his bag then walked but.... he noticed that his bag is heavy. He dropped his bag and found out a huge rock inside it.

He shouted and threw the rock with full force and We all laughed! He also started hitting his head on the tree! Other students also laughed that moment because it's lunchtime. So the bell rang and our Adviser/ our teacher told us to go in and......

She SHOUTED AND SCOLDED US AND CURSED US SO MANY TIMES!!!! She told us that We are already highschoolers and we still do such stupid things. She told us that we were all Idiots for doing that and the Worst is that from that day when there is no teacher inside our classroom we have to pack our bags and go outside and wait till the next teacher comes.....

Wanna know what happened to those two idiots who putted the rock in Philip's bag?

Well after class our teacher told them that they have to put a huge rock in their bag and then walk home!


That's it for now!

Legorn is inlove right now =D


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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