Marvel Through A Child's Eyes

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House of M- Part 1

There are people who are very different from most of those around them. They have special, unique gifts that make them different. The extent of these people's powers are sometimes unknown, making them some of them dangerous. They have become feared for this very reason.

These people, individually and collectively, are called many things. The most common is a mutant, but the actual term is Homo Superior. My name is Alexandria, and I am one of these people.

I am actually very lucky to know who I am and have my powers too. I am going to tell you why right now.

It all started when the Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff, was watching the Professor and Magneto.I hear that she was supposed to be responsible for them as they rebuilt Genosha. She later had a mental breakdown and went insane. the Professor and Doctor Strange tried to cure her, to no avail.

So, The Professor and Doctor Strange called us, the X-men, and the Avengers to determine Wanda's fate. Her brother, Quicksilver, or Pietro Maximoff, had overheard this and feared for Wanda. He went to find Magneto and pleaded for his help.

The Avengers and us, the X-men, decided to go check in on Wanda. Suddenly, the whole world burned white, and it was replaced with a place where mutants ruled. Humans were looked down on, the other difference.

I have to admit, it was a nice change. Us not being feared by the world anymore. It felt wrong though, which brings me back to the story.

There weren't many people who knew the truth. Only S.H.I.E.L.D, Wolverine, and Layla Miller knew. Layla had the ability to remind us of the world before. If it wasn't for her we would still be in that horrible world.

Once we had gotten enough X-men and and Avengers who remembered we stormed the House of M. Magneto was having a party to unite the world's leaders. We thought Magneto,or Magnus in this world, was responsible for altering reality. We were so wrong! While we were there Doctor Strange discovered that Pietro had manipulated Wanda.

While we were there Layla accidentally revealed to Magnus the world before this one. Therefore, letting him know that reality had been altered. In his anger, Magnus killed Pietro right in front of us. Wanda seemed shocked, but soon recovered and revived her brother. We just watched on as Wanda let her fury out on her father. Yelling at them, telling them that he was a bad man, that mutants were freaks, and that she hated him. As she calmed down she spoke three reality changing words: " No more mutants."

Then, the world burned white again and we were back in our world. Except for one thing, most of the world's mutants had lost their powers. Millions, actually. The shock of suddenly losing their genetic gifts caused panic among all of the people. The panic later resulted in the quarantine of the remaining mutants on the grounds of the X-mansion in Westchester. Things don't seem to be going all that great. Hopefully it will be over soon though.

- Alexandria

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