Moving On

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Moving On
By: R.E.D.

His smile is poisonous,
So are his eyes.
He used to be mine,
We used to be fne.

He cared for me,
With him, I felt free.
Free from the sadness,
Said no to distress.

And then things fell apart,
He was no longer mine.
His feelings drifted away,
As for mine still planned to stay.

I guess he had moved on,
So I felt broken-hearted.
I never knew what was going on,
Until time made us seperated.

From time to time,
I stayed updated.
On how he's doing,
And everything related.

He was doing fine,
Did he even felt elated?
I wonder if he loved me, really,
I guess, I think, maybe it's not too late.

I always look at him,
He returns the look.
Just for a second,
It is my heart he took.

I always say,
"No, I don't love him anymore."
Hiding the truth that I still do,
I feel that he's worth falling for.

But everytime I do,
He doesn't really catch me.
He just stands there,
His eyes shows, always sympathy.

I loved it when he still glances,
I still feel he cares.
So I'm always feeling fine,
Heart's not yet in it's shrine.

A blooming love,
Felt into despair.
I used to be there in his heart,
But when I opened my eyes, I was nowhere.

I felt lost, like I always do,
I didn't knew what was going on.
I have to accept that he's gone,
My only option is to move on.

But I can't do it,
I don't know why.
Maybe because,
I'm afraid to try.

And there's nothing I can do,
I can't tell why.
Even if I try to forget you,
Even though there are so many reasons why.

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