The Subway Station

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The thunderous roars from the trains were deafening.  I closed my eyes and covered my ears to protect them as best as I could.  Once the train passed, I straightened up. I was heading to Manhattan, where I had to go work everyday. Unfortunately the only way there was by subway.  I always had a phobia of subways because on TV, there were always news reports about people getting pushed into the tracks.  I made sure to stand three feet away from the yellow line.  It didn't hurt to be cautious.  

There was a light coming in from the corner of my eye.  The train quickly whipped past the people's heads.  Even at three feet away from the yellow line, I could still feel the wind from the train.  The doors opened smoothly, and I walked in.  As usual, there were no seats available because of rush hour.  I sighed and slowly grabbed a railing.  The train slowly moved forward.  I sighed again. 

I really hate this subway.  There's no air conditioning either.  The sign overhead said 8:00 AM.  I inwardly groaned.  To pass the time, I looked out of the window and tried to find the tunnel lights.  Surprisingly, I couldn't find a single one. 

That's really weird.  Aren't the lights usually on? I quickly shook my head and continued to stare at the time.

Suddenly the train lurched forward (I guess you could say it stopped in its tracks).  I was quickly pushed forward as well. 

What the hell?

The train conductor's voice boomed through the speakers.

"Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but there has been an accident on the track.  We will try and fix it as soon as possible.  Please be patient."

My fists clenched.  My shift was from 8:15-4.  At this rate, there was no way I would arrive on time.  My body started to fidget from annoyance and claustrophobia.  It really sucked that my only way of getting to work was by subway.

The conductor's voice filled the train again.

"The accident still has not been attended to.  It will take about five minutes to clean up."

Clean up?

What did that mean?  As in dead bodies on the track?  I shuddered.  No more scary movies at night for me!

"Ladies and gentlemen, this train will now be- hey what are you doing here?! Hey get out! Ge-"

A sickly slicing sound vibrated through the speakers.  Every single sound stopped.  No one could move at all.  People exchanged fearful glances.  I shared the same fear. 

There was silence.  We were waiting for something to happen.  All of a sudden, there was static coming from the intercom.  An eerie and screechy voice spoke.

"One, two, three, four. Count the bodies on the floor.  Five, six, seven, eight.  When you see me, it's too late."

The voice laughed hysterically.

My blood ran cold.  Shivers were shooting down my spine.  My eyes widened in fear.  If my heart was pounding any harder, it would've exploded. I clutched my heart in pain and fear.  I closed my eyes to block out this entire scene.  I was probably at home dreaming or something. I did not get up at 6:00, eat yogurt with an apple, and leave the house.  I was still in bed sleeping deeply.  My breaths became ragged as I tried to calm myself.

When I opened my eyes, the train was pitch black.  I couldn't even see my hands.  People in the cart were too scared to speak, but the train shook as the people stood up to run.

A shrill scream erupted from the other train car.  Many more screams followed after.  Then, they just...stopped.  There was a creak from the doors in between the carts..  It slammed open and just as quickly shut.  My head was pounding.  I cowered near the side of the train.  I wrapped my arms around my knees and cradled my head.

This is not happening.  This is not happening.  Wake up Ella, please wake up!

There was a scream to the side of me.  I felt a droplet on my skin.  Suddenly, the entire train was screaming. 

"Pl-please don't kill m-!" I heard someone cry.  Before they could finish their sentence, there was a sick crunching noise, as if someone had twisted their neck.  I held my breath because I didn't know what to do.  Tears streamed down my face involuntarily.  My lungs gasped for air, but I didn't dare make a sound.  I squeezed my eyes shut and begged myself to wake up.

More droplets fell on me as more screams were heard.  The people begged the killer not to murder them.  Their cries and pleads were deafening and heartbreaking. 

I saw light again.  As much as my eyelids were glued to each other, I cautiously opened up my eyes and blinked frantically.  The first thing within my sight was my dress.  Blood was splattered all over my clothes and skin.  I touched my face which seemingly had been sprayed with someone's blood.  I looked around me to see what had happened.  I really wish I didn't.

There was blood everywhere.  The people had their necks slit deeply.  I could see their bones.  Some people had even been gutted.  Their intestines were wrapped around their neck like a noose and tied to the railing.  They hung there in midair limply.  I slowly stood up with the support of a railing and limped around the train.  I could barely stand up.  I staggered through the train until I slipped on something slimy.  I bent down to look at the object when I saw an eye staring back at me.  The feeling to vomit was urgent because I just stepped on someone's eye.  As I managed to hold in my breakfast, I closed my eyes and blocked out everything.  It didn't help much because I could still smell blood everywhere.  It assaulted my nose.  Everyone was dead in the car.  All I could hear were the eerie creaks of the train's rocking.

Tap-tap.  Tap.  Tap-tap-tap.

My heart stopped beating for seconds.  My body shook and slowly turned against my will.  There was nothing there to my relief.  That was, until a guy's head dropped from the window and bounced against it.  His face had a look of horror.  His eyes held a pleading and fearing look to them.  At least I thought that's what they would've looked like if the guy had his eyes in his sockets.  I shrieked and cried with all my heart.  I collapsed to the floor and curled into a ball.  The tears wouldn't stop.  I covered my ears as if it would do something. 

Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!

Someone tapped me on my shoulder.  My body turned to stone.  Why couldn't I move?  Except for my shivering, I couldn't move any part of me.  I managed to very slowly turn my head to "greet" the person.  He wore heavy make up.  His mouth was carved into an eerie smile and his hair was dyed green.  His white face contrasted to the dark purple suit he was wearing, which was smothered in blood.  He smiled geniunely to me.  He leaned into my ear, much to my fear and disgust.

"One must live to tell the tale.  Be sure to say each detail."  With that, he stepped over all the dead bodies casually and left me.

Needless to say, that was the last time I ever took a subway.


It's been a while since I uploaded any of my stories. :\  It's good to be back though!

Recently, I have rewatched Batman: The Dark Knight and I absolutely loved Heath Ledger in it.  RIP Heath, you will be missed!

Up until now, I've never ever had to take the subway.  This year, I had to because of my internship in Chinatown.  Because I'm so bored on the subways, I try to imagine everything possible that could happen on a train.  And this is what my mind came up with.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it!

~Pitakarot ¬.¬

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