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Lia woke with a start when she heard the loud bang and her heart jumped. Heavy footsteps were advancing towards the hallway and up the stairs. Lia knew exactly who the person but prayed that it was not the same person. But, as I said her luck, was crappy.

The door to her room banged open and it revealed a mid aged man with dirty matted hairs and a prickly beard. Though he had gone to seed, you could tell that he used to be an attractive and well-built man. His eyes which used to be lit up with mirth, was now pits darker than hell. He had a deadly, almost murderous expression on his face. It needed only one look at him to tell that he was heavily intoxicated.

"Hey b*tch, what the f*ck are you doing here, huh? Aren't you supposed to be in that big, fancy school of yours?" The man drawled, his drunkenness causing him to slur heavily. Lia remained silent.

"What! You're now too important to even answer my f*cking question? I always knew you're one stuck-up, uptight b*tch. Anyways, did you do my job?" He barked.

Lia froze with panic. She had forgotten her task. Slowly, apprehensively, she shook her head. The man's eyes seemed to blaze with rage.

"What! You dim-witted female f*ggot" He slowly started approaching towards her. He stood right in front of her. Lia could smell his sour putrid breathe mingled with the smell of alcohol. She wanted to throw up.

Then, suddenly, out of the blue, a heavy blow landed on Lia's right cheek. She remained standing, refusing to cry, feeling the bruise forming. The man then roared blowing hard punches with each word, each jargon.

"You." a punch to her left cheek. "Mother-f*cker." a slap on both of her cheeks "Can't." A right hook on her jaws "Do." a heavy blow on her sides "Shit!" He threw her away.

By then the man's chest was heaving, having tiring himself. He was apparently done for the day. With a last threat at Lia to finish the task by the next day, he hauled himself out of the room to the main bedroom. Lia remained on the ground, completely motionless. She caught the few loose tears on her cheek that had escaped from her eyes.

"Bye for today, dad"

Remorse and sadness crushed her heart but she held her ground. By the level of her dad's intoxication, she knew he was not going to remember this, any of this. She didn't know whether to feel happy or sad by that. The main problem was how to conceal the bruises, which was now completely formed. Not being so much rich and not getting much allowance was disadvantageous to extreme lengths. She did not own any makeup, not even a lip gloss. Her only luxurious possession was her IPod and her IPhone. And a dress which was previously worn by her mother.

Not having the guts to get out off her room to eat, she searched through her bag. There she found a half-eaten snickers bar. Trying to satisfy her hunger with that food she immediately crashed on the bed, promising herself that she will deal with the bruises later.


The next day, Lia woke at 6'o clock with a pounding headache and an empty stomach. But the good news was that her dad was asleep. Quickly brushing and washing herself, she put on the same jeans and converse only with a different hoodie hoping that it will conceal her face, which was covered with so many blue, purple, red and black injuries, that The Joker would have been jealous.

Quickly grabbing an apple from the counter and pick-pocketing her dad's money, she rushed out of the house. Knowing that she would have to pay for it dearly later, Liya began to formulate lies in her mind, each one lamer than the last one. Her only hope was that her father would believe her-insert mirthless sarcastic laughter here- and release her from her doom and even blow her a flying kiss while he was at it. Like I said, Not Freaking Possible.

Lia absentmindedly walked down to the same park and began strolling around. She was admiring the nature, getting lost in the beautiful scenery and in the music of Sia, that she barely heard somebody calling her name. Suddenly somebody tapped on her shoulders.

Lia turned around and saw Evan, looking irritating and really dashing in his black Nike tracksuit.

Such a fascinating pleasant shocker! (and yes, sarcasm obviously intended)

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