Chapter One: Cafeteria Talk & As the Day Went On

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Forks Washington, 2005

"Who are they?" whispered a pretty brunette.

Bella Swan was new at Forks High School, sitting with a group of people she didn't know or planned to. It just happened that way. A group of four had just entered the room and every eye turned to look at them. Each one of them were beautiful in their own way.

"The Cullens," replied the meek girl at the table, Angela.

"They're, um, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago," said the girl who's name Bella couldn't remember. Jessica?

"They kinda keep to themselves," Angela chimmed in.

"Yeah, 'cause they're all together, like together together. Uh, the blonde girl, that's Rosalie Hale, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett Cullen, they're like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal."

"Jess, they're not actually related."

"Yeah, but they live together. It's weird-and, okay, the little dark-haired girl is Alice Cullen. She's really weird, and, um, she's with Jasper Hale, the blonde one who looks like he's always in pain."

When Bella looked back two more boys had walked into the room. Both were the physical embodiment of perfection. The taller of the two had bronze locks flying every which way, a straight nose, full lips, and high cheekbones, Adonis like in his posture and brooding appearance. The other could be described as his opposite with short brown hair, a mole or two on his cheek. He had a similar build to the one called Jasper. One thing remained the same in them all; it was that each memeber had black eyes and pale skin.

"What about those two?"

"Ok, so that is Edward Cullen. Totally gorgeous but it seems none of the girls here are good enough for him, like, seriously don't waste your time. And the quick one with his cute little moles is Thomas Hale. He never, and I mean never, leaves Edward's side unless he has to."

"Hale? Like Rosalie and Jasper?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, Rosalie, Jasper, and Thomas are brother and sister. Mrs. Cullen has been taking care of them since they were eight and Thomas since he was seven. They are her niece and nephews, I think."

"How is Thomas their brother? He looks nothing like t-"

"Half-brother, I should say, on their dad's side."

Bella nodded, looking back at the six gorgeous people sitting in the corner of the room. "It's nice of them to take them all in like that. They look a bit old to be foster children, though."

"They are!" Jessica confirmed as she shoved food in her mouth. "Rosalie and Emmett are eighteen. The others are seventeen." Edward was picking at his food with the others. Bella bit her lip. He really was handsome. When she directed her gaze to Thomas, his eyes were stilled on her in a rather unpleasant manor.

"T-Thomas is staring at me."

Jessica gasped, the sight was rare. However, when she turned to look, Thomas shot her a glare as well. Then she groaned, rolling her eyes. Bella noticed him whisper something into Edward's ear. He looked over at Bella with a glare just as menacing but something else lingered behind those dark eyes. Thomas looked more jealous than anything but Edward, he looked like he despised her.

Edward only tore his gaze when Thomas slapped his arm to let it alone. "Oh!" Jessica exclaimed. "Did you notice that? That's why I said you shouldn't waste your time trying get Edward Cullen as a boyfriend."

"I don't understand."

Jessica leaned in, "There's this rumor about those two, that they're gay. I think it's true."

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