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Sunny peered down as they were about to land, the rest of the helicopter ride was in silence and she was anxious to be alone. The view as she looked down was unbelievably messy, yet organized at the same time. She saw rows upon rows of white tents, also called barracks. and lots of blue and green soldiers marching or walking around, and some like Kirito in t-shirts. There was patches of forests and hills, which I'm sure I'll be acquintanced with soon enough, whether I like it or not, as fitness was apparantly one of the courses, not that that should be unexpected, this is a military thing. I'm surprised that there are so much regular soldiers though, because according to mr. grumpy over there, SMP is supposed to be confidential. What I really want to do is fly of course -or swim, since I can control water too, as well as light, fire, (though fire and light might be the same thing) and earth, but I can't do much, and I just like air so much more-, but that would have to wait, especially since I don't want anyone to know what I can do, the military might, but since I'm not sure yet, I'm not going to show them. if I'm right though, that would mean that Kirirto would have a power too.... I tried to nonchalantly glance at him, wondering if he does indeed have a power. 

As we got closer, I felt a sense of anticipation, and excitement, but deep down in my gut, I felt nervous, not that I'd ever admit it, I had prepared far too much to be 'scared'.

I'll avenge you Kisa, I swear I will. I thought as we landed. Once we landed though, the weight of what was happening truly hit me, this will be an entirely different lifestyle, I will actually be following orders all day, and truly be worked to the bone. Though who knows, maybe I'll be able to get out of doing homework here too, like in school. I'd have to get some better excuses though, 'my dog ate my homework' isn't going to work, not that my other teachers believed them anyway, but they pretended to. Not that they could complain anyway, I had aced every test and major assignment, not to mention the fact that I was the only person to get 100% on every exam.

The minute we got off the plane, Kirito started ordering me around, ugh, bossy much?

"Grab your bags and follow me, we need to go to the main office to get checked in, and you also need to find out what barrack or cabin you're in, your schedule, and your ability, and a quick test on what you know." He said in a obey-me-or-else tone.

"yeah yeah" I said in a I-don't-give-a-shit tone.

"you are to address me either as 'sir' or 'instructor' or 'captain', understand?" He said icily. 

"yes sir" I said the sir as if it was an insult.

" You WILL respect me" He ordered with a deathglare, daring me to defy him. He dared to frikin order me! 

I started shaking in anger -did I meantion I have a VERY short fuse? Well I do, and it's not good to be on the recieving end of my anger- NO ONE orders me around, especially not some random guy that I just met! At that moment I didn't care if he was to be my superior, rank or no rank, he could have asked! I glared back at him defiantly as he also glared me down, damn he's taller, it felt as though we were in our own world filled with fire and ice, and I wished that I could sumon lightning and strike him down -though theoretically, I should be able to do it- I wanted to attack him, with fists or with powers. Kirito and I was both called at the same time, we both turned around  to see two boys running towards us. Both of whom looks extremely familiar. Airen?!?! what's he doing here???

"Yo! I haven't seen you for so long!" Airen exclaimed, jumping on me and crushing me with his bear hug. Airen was a childhood friend whom I met by the sea, when I was 10 and running away from my chores. 4 years later he moved, and that was the last time I saw him, until now of course.

"You're still alive!" I said jokeingly, as I hugged him back. "Thought I was never going to see you again!"

"you can't get rid of me that easily" he replied with a lopsided grin. And with a jolt I realize that he has grown a lot, I used to be taller than him and now he's a lot taller than me, and I'm 170cm so he's about 180! wow... he's even slightly taller than mr.grumpy beside me.

"whose your friend? He looks familiar." I asked, bringing the attention to the slightly shorter boy whose currently talking to Kirito. 

"Kain meet Leona sonu, aka sunny. Sunny meet Ichiyo Kiane" Airen said while from him to me and me to him. while we looked at each other shyly and he raised his hand as if he were about to salute while I bowed, which he then did quickly after.That was awkward...

"your name sounds familiar" I commented. his name was familiar for some reason, but I didn't know why....

"yeah, Kirito here is my older brother, so you probably thought my last name sounded familiar." WOAH, what??? but he seems so much more nicer!

"Are you sure you're related? you're nothing like bossy pants there." I joked.

"ahaha yeah, I get that a lot. I have to admit though, I am a lot cooler, and cuter." he said with a adorable smile and then winked.

"I don't know, you seem a bit too young...." I said teasingly, while trying to keep a straight face and failing. he did seem younger though, and more innocent. with his big eyes and longer hair.

"Alright, enough. we really should  get going now." Kirito said.

"party pooper" I mumbled. 

"I Heard that"

"Bye guys! see you later!" 

"see ya!" said Airen and Ichiyo. 

I grabbed my bags tried to carry them, but I put in too much books and I was having trouble. Kirito, being nice for once, grabbed 2 of the 3 bags I was carrying. Surprisingly he was really strong, he carried the book bag and the clothing bag with no difficulty at all (both are big duffel bags) leaving me with the suitcase (that can roll along obviously)

We went to a small one story brick building, with security cameras on it. Ugh... I hate being watched. Once we were inside, Kirito dropped my bags by the wall, which I copied, and walked over to the front desk and signed some log. I wasn't sure about what to do so I just stood there. There was a man and a women working at the desk, both dressed in green combats, and both typing away on the computers. After a few second Kririto cleared his throut, causing both of them to look up at Kirito, and then at me.

"Is she your date?" the man asked nonchalantly. causing both me and Kirito to blush.

"Who would want to date him/her?!?!" we both said at the same time.

"Shut up!" we said at the same time again. then we both faced the opposite direction and ignored each other.

"It was a joke guys. I see you still can't take a joke Kirito." the women said, apparantly it was some inside joke that made both of them laugh and Kirito just blushed, while I just stood there confused.

"Alright lets get down to business." Said the women

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