The battle

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L&W- The Battle (4)

Hey readers! How are you enjoying the story so far? Plz comment below!

Btw: Looking back at the last chapter, I noticed that almost all theslants disappeared (except for that bit left from the very end, which I wrote later, after the rest of them disappeared). I am sorry for that I don’t know why that happened but I do plan on going back and adding them in later when I have time.

Now onto the story~


  When Kirito left, I went to my luggage and looked around for my toiletries and my PJs, I would start unpacking, but since it’s not guaranteed that I will stay in this cabin, I decided to leave that for tomorrow. Plus, I’m too tired to do anything but the basics, today was really disorienting.

  After taking a shower, I changed into a silk gown, braided my hair, applied lotion, and went to sleep. Though right before falling asleep, I realized that I forgot to ask him about the privileges of the SMP and why it was bad. Meh, tomorrow I guess… I thought as I fell asleep on the hard mattress and too thin blanket.

  The next morning was a flurry of activity. I awoke to Kirito shaking my shoulder and yelling “wake up!” in the end he tried throwing water at my, which I repelled automatically as a defensive mechanism. Which unfortunately -or fortunately in my point of view as it was hilarious- caused Kirito to be drenched.

“Don’t blame me” I said while laughing at his expression that was a cross between laughing and scowling. “It was an automatic reflex, what with controlling water and all…”

“I’m going to get you back one of these days, you better watch your back missy!” He said with a glare, but his mouth was twitching into a smile.

“Yeah, dream on.” I taunted. Then a thought occurred to me “how did you get in?”

“You didn’t lock the door after I left.” He smirked.

“These aren’t automatic locking doors?!?!” I screeched, feeling the blood drain from my face as I thought about the consequences of what could have happened. I slept the whole night with an UNLOCKED DOOR! Ugh… at least nothing happened.

“No as you can clearly see, you have to lock them from either the outside or the inside, both needing your key of course.” He said it slowly, as if he was explaining to a child. “Just remember to lock it next time.” He said in a normal tone. I nodded in reply.

“There’s no uniform right?” I asked, tensed.

“No, though it is encouraged to wear something you can run and fight in.” He replied while checking his phone. In that moment, he looked like a regular guy, one that you would find in an arcade, or shop. He was in casuals again, though it was stereotypical army styled, dark green shirt that hugged his abs, with his silver dog tag showing, and black pants.

“Thank goodness.” I exclaimed, letting out my breath, one that I hadn’t realized I was holding.

“What? Little miss girly girl can’t stand to wear something unfashionable?” He mocked in a high pitched voice.

“Your stupid side is back I see.” I thought he was being a bit too nice. “Not, I have a plan to dress like I’m clueless, so they would leave me alone for the first bit.”

“Smart, but be careful, it might work against you and make everyone attack you instead.” He warned.

“meh, I’ll be fine either way so whatevs.” I shrugged. “Is there signal here?”

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