The Unexpected

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Kris carried me down, despite my protests, I was a bit glad that he had done so, because I barely had the strength to walk. but once we got closer to the big clearing, I stood upon my own two feet. If this was who I thought it was it would be far too awkward. I slowly walked to the middle of the big clearing, with a sinking feeling, as the figure looked more and more like who I thought it was. "Daddy?!?" I half shouted. What the hell? (A/N all thoughts will now be italicized) but he's a businessman... or so I had thought. But this does explain why he was so ridiculously muscled despite working in an 'office' all day.

"Hey sweetie, congrats! That's my little girl!" He said with a big smile on his face. "C'mere!" He said holding our his arms, and I walked over to him and hugged him. "What are you doing here?" He whispered angrily into my ear.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, just as upset.

"Later." He said, ending the short father/daughter conversation. By later he meant 'I expect a full explanation later.' And by his tone he meant 'I am very very upset with you young lady'. Well, I just hope he goes easy on me because I won. When he pulled away he was smiling again. "Hello trainees, I, brigadier general Sonu, am the officer in charge of the SMP division of the military. I declare Leona Sonu as the commander of the trainees of group 049 of the SMP. Congratulations Sonny and Kirito. Trainees, she is now your commander, you aren't listen to what she says, she has full authority to discipline those of you as she sees fit, the authority to order you. As she is a higher rank, show respect. Anyone here object?"

No one had the courage to say anything, knowing that the scary looking officer behind me is my father.

"I object" said a boy, he was around my height, and looked quite fit, and a bit mean, or maybe that was the sneer he had on his face. "this is favoritism, the cammander should be decided with the test scores as well, not just the winner of the arena, not to mention, she didn't even fight! If this was judged fairly, I would be comander"

"We did go by test scores, Mr...?" My father replied in a deadly cold tone, clearly not happy with someone trying to bash me. The poor kid, he just got himself in a world of trouble.

"Seneca, Jakub Seneca." The boy replied, still clearly not noticing how deep the hole he was digging for himself was.

"Well Jakub Seneca, you seem to be mistaken, having others fight for you is a valid strategy, as in, nothing is counted as unfair in this fight, also there was no favoritism whatsoever, she got her books and everything the same time as everyone else, and was as equally unprepared as the rest of you, but she was the only one of you lot to score perfect on her IQ test, and to get perfect on the quiz. He personality test also shows she'd make a good leader. Any more complaints?" My father said, coldly. I could tell that the poor kid was going to get in trouble real soon. "Good, now if any of you knows what's good for you, you'll be respectful, and not whine about things being unfair while they clearly are. The punishment of doing so of course, would be a demotion. Jakub here would have received second in command, but that role will now be going to Airen. Airen is now hereby appointed second in command, he also has full authority, just not as many privileges and of course, Sunny has authority of him as well." I smiled realizing that he called me by my knick name, he soon realized it too, and pretended that he didn't say anything weird. I smiled at Airen, glad that he was my second in command. "No more fighting, and definitely no fighting on the base. Dismissed." And with that people started dispersing. Kirito walked over to me, in shock, and it was quite amusing.

"Good day sir." He said to my father.

"Hey Kiane" my father replied. "You're still stiff as ever I see" my father said.

"Sir..." he said, clearly uncomfortable with being teased by the higher rank.

"Relax," replied my father with a laugh. "And take good care of her, I understand she can be a handful, and I'm glad she got you."

"Thank you sir..?"

"Well I'm off now, take care you two, and sunny, later." He said the last part while giving me a meaningful look, I just smiled awkwardly and said, "got it, bye daddy."

"Bye sir"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  after my father left we got into the car.

"Did you know..?" Kirito asked while driving.

"No, no idea." I replied.

"Well, that was interesting."


"Congratulations by the way."

"Thank you, what does Commander really do though?"

"You're basically in charge of the trainees, keep them in line, make sure their nor exposing us or causing trouble." Fun
"Well, that sounds fun" I said sarcastically.

"On the bright side, you get connection and WiFi as a commander. Plus more privacy and room, as well as access to the officer lounge, and the officer gym. Trust me, it's good."

"Well that's a plus I guess."

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This is really weird. I decided to write because I was reading this story to see what my old selve's writing was like, and I wanted to read the next chapter because of the stupid cliffhanger, then realised there wasn't one, and so I decided to write it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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