Chapter 1:Part 1|Those Moments

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Alex's POV

"Hey! Brian!"

"Alex! What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for my mother to get out of surgery. What about ya?"

"I'm here to see my dad before his transplant. Wait. Did you say surgery?"

"Yea. Why?"

"Did someone come to your apartment? Like... FBI?"

"Yea... WAIT! You mean your dads getting a new liver! That's great, Brian!" I pulled him into a tight hug of congrats, but I really just wanted to hug him again. It felt right, that's all.

"Hehe... Heh. This is... Umm... Awkward."

"Oh... Sorry."

"It's fine! I... Uhhh... Should check on my dad."

"I'll come with you! I haven't met your parents yet, and I hope that we can still be friends, even after what happened!"

"Sure." He gave me one of those innocent smiles, the one I will strive to protect. "Well? What are we waiting for! Lets go, Brian!" I trailed after Brian to his dad's hospital room. He knocked on the edge of the door to get his dad's attention, while I hid behind him. I lifted my head over his shoulder, and stifled a gasp. 'His dad looks worse than your mom',I thought, 'I see why he cares so much. It's his real dad, not some adopted father or mother. I'll never understand the pain of losing real parents.'

"Alex. Are you ok?" At that, I was snapped back into reality.

"Huh? Oh... Ummm. Yes, I'm fine."



"Oh, nevermind. Anyway, I want your to meet my dad. Dad, this is Alexis."

"Alex is fine. It's nice to meat you, Mr. Finch."

"You too, Alex. So...Are You two a..."

"Ddddaaaadddd!" A little giggle escaped my mouth, and I pulled my hands over it.

"Oh my god! She can giggle!" I playfully punch Brian on the arm, and laughed. "She laughs! It's a miracle!"

"You've seen me laugh, Brian."

"No I haven't!"

"Yes you have!"

"Nope. Never have."

"Oh! Shut up."

"Alexis Kiuria. Please come to room 13."

"Oh. I've gotta go. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Finch."

"You too, Alex."

3rd Person POV

Alex left the room in haste, leaving Brian and Dennis alone in the room. "So... She likes you."


"She likes you. I can tell."


"She trusts you. That's a good thing, but why would she trust you? Unless she knows something. Or... She likes you. It's simple, Brian." Brian thought back to when they 'kissed'. Did it really mean something to her? Did she really like him? Or did she like NZT Brian? He also knew that she was hiding something from him. But, what?

Back to Alex's POV

I ran to room 13, and before I entered, a nurse came out. "Alexis Kiuria?"

"Alex, but yes. Is she ok?"

"Yes, perfectly fine. You may see her."

"Thank you!" I ran into the room where mother was sitting there, smiling. "Mother!" I ran over to her, and gave a super light hug.

"Come on, Nitte! You're taking forever!"

"Sorry! The door is right there, Lifia!"

"Mother!" Lifia and Nitte, my adoptive sisters, rushed into the room, and both went at each side of mother. 'Theyre just one big, happy family. A family that you're not apart of.' A dark voice echoed inside my head.

"So. How did the transplant go?"

"Great. They said that I wi-"

A ringing,"Well, thats work. I gotta go."

"Bye Lifia." Lifia ran out, and I started up a conversation. "Do you know where she works at?"

"No." I turned away from the door.

"Really? She never told you! I would think that she would of told you guys."

"You know where she works?"

"No. I was hoping you guys did. I gu-" A knock on the frame of the door. Guess who was there!


"Ohhhhh. Brian. What are you doing here?"

"They want us."


"I guess." He shrugged.

"Ok. I'll... Ummm... See you later."

"Wait! Alex, aren't you going to introduce us to this handsome devil?"

"Nitte! You think that every man you meet is handsome! Ether way, you must know who this is. If you watch the news."

Mother was next up to speak. "Brian Finch."

"Yes ma'am." He replied.

"Wait! You're THE Brian Finch! The one who ran from 6 FBI agents with that girl!" Nitte exclaimed, shocked.


"'That girl' was me, Nitte."

"Wait. What?!?!"

"Well, we need to leave. I'll see you tonight."

"See you, sweetie."


A/N: Where did Lifia go? Where does she work? Does Nitte have a crush on Brian? There is one question I can answer:

Nitte doesn't have a crush on Brian. She's just teasing Alex.

Bai Bai KawwaiiLuvs💖💄🎀👗👢🍱🍣🍥🍙🍘

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