chapter 12 - Why Not Ask

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Bethany POV

Me and Barry didn't talk on the way to Central City. I don't know if it was because I didn't want to admit Felicity was right or if I had interrupted something when I called Barry.

Barry POV

The car was quiet. "So are you ready to see Oliver and Felicity get married? I know I'm not." Bethany finally spoke up. "Why not? I mean they love each other and will always be there for each other." I told her. "I guess I feel like I have lost pieces of my sister when she moved to Starling City, and now her getting married is me losing the last piece of her." Bethany said trying not to cry. "And I don't know maybe it's because I have never felt like that about someone and they feel the same." Bethany said wiping away the few tears that escaped her eyes. "Bethany would you like to go on a date with me? You know before we have to be each others date to the wedding." I asked.

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