chapter 14 - My First Day at STAR Labs

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Bethany POV

"Well now if Cisco would show me where my work space is I would be on my way." I said. "I can show you, just follow me." Barry said. He led me to the floor below where him and Cisco were. "Well this is it. The whole floor is yours, you can set it up how ever you want." Barry said as I looked around. "Umm Barry can I talk to you?" I asked hesitant. "Of course." Barry said. "Well I was wondering if you were still up for that date before the wedding?" I asked him. "Yes umm I mean sure if you are up to it." Barry said trying to sound cool. "How about tonight?" He asked. "Sounds perfect." I said smiling. "Ok I will pick you up at 8 o'clock." Barry said then went back upstairs.

Barry POV

"You ok Barry? You are kind of smiling like a little kid who was just given candy." Cisco commented as I got on the treadmill in the lab. "Me and Bethany are going on a date tonight." I said smiling even more than before. "What do you even see in her? I mean you went from liking Iris to liking Bethany, the nerdy girl." Cisco said. "I guess Bethany was a new face and I was interested in her but now that she moved her it's something more." I said. Then the alarm went off. "Robbery at Central Bank, looks like the robber is still there." Cisco said as I zoomed out hoping Bethany wouldn't see me.

As I got to the scene of the crime I discovered the villain wearing a black hood. "Flash or should I say Barry Allen. You and the Green Arrow, or should I say Oliver Queen, are going to turn yourselves over to me, or Bethany and Felicity Smoak will be punished for your actions. You have 48 hours, and the name is The Dark Devil." A girls voice called out from behind the black hood.

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