Chapter 4

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Taylor's POV

It had been a very long night last night, Mila was so restless, constantly crying, I think she might have actually ripped her vocals or something as this morning she was coughing and crying quietly. I had gotten Mila ready after Holly had decided to take Harley to school early this morning, Harley said he had an audition for something, but would not let us know exactly what it was, leaving a lot of suspicion on my behalf. "Taylor?!" I heard Holly calling as she walked into the front door, hearing her keys be tossed into the bowl and a bag being dropped onto the floor. "Yeah, I'm just finishing off getting Mila dressed" I called back down, Mila sat giggling as I tickled her feet whilst putting her little socks on. "What's the plan for today?" Holly asked as she came into Mila's room, kissing the top of my head and then talking to Mila. "Well, Mila actually decided that today we would be going shopping. Didn't you Mila?" I replied, chuckling as Mila just smiled and giggled, not even understanding what I was talking about. "Has she eaten or are we getting some breakfast whilst we are out?" Holly asked, picking Mila up and lifting her into the air, causing loud screams and laughs to come out of the tiny body. "What's wrong with her voice?" Holly asked, noticing the rasped croak coming through in Mila's screams. "I'm pretty sure she has torn her vocals or something like that, especially from all the screaming last night" I told Holly, seeing her nod in reply as the pair of us exited the room and made our way downstairs. Holly obviously deciding we would feed Mila before we left and she sat her in her highchair. "Babe? Where's the Calpol?" Holly asked from behind me as I was already making Mila a bowl of baby food. I turned to see she had emptied a lot of the fridge's contents in search of the medicine. "Holly! For fuck sake, we are going to have to put all of that back in, stop adding more to the pile" I told her, placing the bowl in front of Mila and walking towards her. "What?!" She replied, I'm pretty sure she didn't even actually pay attention to anything I said. I huffed and walked to the fridge, opening a side compartment that we kept all medicine that needed to be refrigerated. "You know we leave all the refrigerated medicine in here, why are you emptying the fridge?" I questioned, confused at her frantic actions. "To be fair, I was actually looking for the medicine, then got distracted because I'm hungry, so I started looking for bacon" She confessed sheepishly. I chuckled at her and pulled out a fresh packet of bacon from the mountain of food she had piled onto the side. "Put this all away or you are not cooking and I will not cook for you" I told her, walking away with the bacon so she couldn't leave the pile of food there, knowing exactly what she was like. "Fine, you're so unfair you know that right?" I just laughed at her response and carried on feeding Mila. I then heard something crack on the floor at turned to see Holly near enough throwing a fit as she knew she'd have to clean up the dozen eggs she'd just dropped all over the kitchen floor. Cursing and stomping around, Mila started giggling and I couldn't help but to laugh a little myself. "Can you please help me?" Holly whined as she heard me laugh, looking at me with the most adorable pleading face. I smiled at her and gave Mila her spoon, knowing I would have to change her after, but knowing Holly was going to be a bit grouchy and easily pissed off today, not to mention emotional because she hadn't slept very well because of Mila's screaming.

Holly's POV

We had finally finished cleaning up the floor from all the egg mess, to turn around and see Mila had fallen asleep in her bowl of food, it was all in her hair and also a lot of it was on the floor and on the cupboard doors around her. I groaned and laid my head on the kitchen counter. "Holly, grow up a bit" Taylor muttered to herself, causing me to frown "What do you mean?" I asked a bit defensively. "Putting your head on the kitchen counter, really?" She said being a bit snarky. I sighed and picked up Mila, leaving Taylor to clean the mess alone including half the mountain of shit I had pulled out from the fridge and took Mila upstairs to bath her. "You're such a bitch" I shouted to her, hearing her slam a cupboard door shut in reply. I slid Mila onto my hip as I started to run the bath. Placing her on the floor as I was getting out some toys for her to be entertained by, being as she hated us putting her in the bath and would scream and try to struggle her way out of it. "Mila" I cooed in a baby voice, seeing her look up at me with a big grin on her face "Mumma" She replied, the first word she had fully managed to get out. I was so shocked I could barely move. "Taylor!!" I shouted down, hearing her footsteps seconds later on the stairs. "What's happened? Is Mila okay?" she shouted in my face. I smiled widely and nodded, causing Taylor to get an annoyed expression and fold her arms expectantly. "Taylor...Mila just said 'mumma'" I informed her slowly, watching her face turn blank as she suddenly got excited and then started tearing up. "Our little baby spoke" she cooed happily, picking Mila up causing her to giggle. My phone started ringing and I held my finger up to Taylor, seeing her already getting Mila undressed for the bath, assuming she would be fine, I answered the phone straight away without even checking the caller ID.


H- Hello?

U-Is this Holly Williams?

H-Speaking, who is this?

U-Mrs.Williams, I am a private detective, I have been hired by someone close to you and have some news, I would like if we could meet up for me to discuss this with you?

H-This is a bit strange, hired by who? How can I trust you?

U-I would not pick a place that is very public if I were to do anything bad now would I? And in regards to who has hired me, that is what I wish to speak to you about.

H-Starbucks at 5.

U-See you then.

And with that I hung up the phone, I was so confused, no one who I was close to would feel the need to have a private detective to investigate me or keep an eye on me, surely, this does not make any sense. "Holly!" I stopped my train of thought and went back to the bathroom to see Taylor covered in water and Mila giggling uncontrollably. "That's adorable" I chuckled to myself, seeing Taylor look more and more unimpressed than ever.

Taylor's POV

Mila had absolutely soaked me; I don't even understand how someone so little can make such a mess. "Holly, stop laughing and just help me" I groaned, becoming genuinely annoyed with her, considering our argument and her already calling me a bitch, thinking I didn't actually hear it. "Will you calm down and stop getting so moody with me" She replied, growing angry at me. "Be quiet" I mumbled, walking out of the room with Mila in my arms. "Taylor, give her to me, I'll sort hr out and you can go and get an attitude check" Holly commented sarcastically, taking Mila from me and pushing me out of the room. I huffed and walked off to our room, sitting on the bed and wondering why Holly and I were actually arguing today. It was just one of those days I guess. I'm not sure how long I had actually been sat here, but it must have been a while as Holly came in, top covered in puke and food from feeding Mila again. She informed me that she was asleep and then continued on as if I was not even present. I sighed angrily and stood up to walk out, only to actually bump right into Holly knocking the both of us over. I landed on top of Holly and heard her groan after a loud thud. "Fuck! My head!" She whisper yelled, I quickly jumped up and apologised, offering my hand to help her up, to which she did not take and just got up walking to the bed slowly, watching her nearly fall I quickly ran to her side to help her out. "I'll be fine, I just need to sit down for a minute" She said, more so to herself than me, but I accepted it. I sat next to her in a silence, looking at her every now and again to see her actions. "Holly..." I started to speak, but was interrupted by her lips crashing onto mine. "I'm sorry, I'm just grouchy today because I haven't slept very well, can you forgive me?" she begged, pulling me closer to her and laying her arm around my shoulder. I smiled at how cute she was with her pleading little face and pouted lip. "It's fine, I know, but call me a bitch again and I will put hair removal cream in your shampoo" I threatened, chuckling at her reaction. "Who were you on the phone to by the way?" I asked, suddenly remembering her phone call. "Oh, I have to meet a private detective at 5 at Starbucks" She replied, I raised my eyebrows questioningly, seeing her shrug in reply to me and start to get changed out of her non baby proof top. "Hey, waterbag, might wanna change your clothes, you're not very dry" She laughed, throwing a change of shirt to me and a new pair of jeans.


I am so sorry that I have not updated in 7 months, really found it hard to be motivated to write, but I am back in action  and should be able to update every week or so, hope you have still enjoyed what has been written so far though guys.

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